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My biggest fear!!!

The Pikey

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I think spiders are a common fear of the people. I mean, they are so covert. . . and fast, and hairy, and can kill you before you even see them. I'd rather have a basement full of king cobras than a basement full of brown raclus spiders. Fo sho!


Your scared of a spider because it is I quote


"Fast" "Hairy"

"can kill you before you even see them"


Aren't reallly any spiders in north american that are going to outrun you.

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i was at my moms house one night, and while taking a shower, saw the shadow of a big ass spider wlaking up the outside of the shower curtian... anytime i use that shower, i never close the curtian, just the glass door.



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I am not sure what is worse about that picture, the big spider or the ton of little ones....


For some reason I think it was the bunch of little ones that has me freaking out. But in either case, it freaked me out and now I have to search the whole friggin house again. (I just did that last night because I found a spider web without the spider in it. That is almost worse than finding the spider to me.) :rolleyes:

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