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Problems with Vista and limewire


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I got a new laptop today and it has Vista home on it. I downloaded LimeWire and can't get it to connect. I read under the support page on their site and they mentioned Vista with mcafee have issues letting LimeWire connect. I ran through and tried to change everything they mentioned to get this thing to connect but I still am having no luck. Anyone have any tips on how to make this thing work?
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I just got another new comp. for christmas.. vista sucks. It asks you 50 million questions if you want to do something.. irritating. I tried earlier to download it, ended up just getting shit from bittorrent.com.. safer but takes more time.. upside is you can download whole cd's at one quickly
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turn yourself into the cops for using limewire as its about as safe as fucking a street hooker from the westside with no rubber.


Google mediadefender read the reports about what they were helping to cause problems with . Limewire is a primary target.

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Vista is growing on me. You can get rid of all the "Are you suuuure?" pop ups every time you do something by disabling User Account Control via the User Accounts menu. And if the problem is with mcafee then get rid of it. Fuck all that super intrusive norton and mcafee BS software.
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Vista is garbage. Not compatable with ATI control panel... so it doesnt support my $800 video card. How do you spell Vista? J-U-N-K.


Would you mind disclosing what single video card you paid $800 for ?

And when that is done, I'd like to discuss some ocean front properly I have in dublin. The most expensive thing I can think of is an 8800 ULTRA which won't touch $800 today unless you are out of your gizzard.

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Would you mind disclosing what single video card you paid $800 for ?

And when that is done, I'd like to discuss some ocean front properly I have in dublin. The most expensive thing I can think of is an 8800 ULTRA which won't touch $800 today unless you are out of your gizzard.


Its kinda old actully, i bought it back when 512DDR cards first came out. probably not worth more than 150-200 bucks anymore :(


It was blessed by both Brett Favre and Chuck Norris though so it plays WOW hella quick.

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Ares started out as a p2p client and now it has the function of being able to transfer torrent files. I wouldn't use it soley for Bit torrent's, but for p2p file sharing it is a great program.


Thorne, do you just randomly type out words of opinion and hope that someone else will agree with you to make it seem that it is the better answer?

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Ares started out as a p2p client and now it has the function of being able to transfer torrent files. I wouldn't use it soley for Bit torrent's, but for p2p file sharing it is a great program.


Thorne, do you just randomly type out words of opinion and hope that someone else will agree with you to make it seem that it is the better answer?



Maybe just fucking maybe I actually have a clue what the fuck im talking about. Ever think that I might work or have worked in the IT/Security industry? There is no fucking opinion when i post fact. If you want to have this convo lets do it.



Lets state some facts.


p2p requires you to make multiple connections to hosts that you have no knowledge of who they are.


p2p also dilvulges to other nodes on that network what your dling and if setup with default settings also distrbutes that info to said nodes in chunks.


Ng's on the other hand require you to only dl info off a spool allowing only yourself and your ISP to see what your getting.


Ng's have been challanged in court time and time again and won.


Ng's don't require you to upload or post any info to recieve data




Want to keep going I bet I know more about this fucking topic then you know about the hair you have on your head. I hate when stupid people wanna attack me for attempting to protect people from getting in trouble.


The funny part is its so fucking easy to avoid. I wrote a howto thats so fucking easy a monkey could follow it. But maybe if your too fucking stupid to see how p2p is dangerous you can't follow my tutorial. Sorry go ahead enjoy it. Also Kazza and the Mediaguard shit is safe go ahead and use it. Please.



So in closing My random words of the day to you are



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as for my oink was safe statement if you look back I said guys oink is not safe people told me I was full of shit its safe its private.


IT GOT BUSTED. Now anyone who was on there has the info regarding what they dled and upload (because they kept a ratio) in the hands of law enforcement.



Ohh wait thorne's stupid. Why don't you attack my english because you don't have a chance against my IT knowledge.

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