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bike takes an extra bit to start now?


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When i bought the bike a little over a month ago, it'd start right up, with just pulling the choke out and hitting the button. But over the past week or so I've noticed I have to have the throttle twisted just a hair, or it'll just crank and crank. Why is this? I've put about 900miles on the bike this month, but nothing's changed afaik.

If its normal, that's fine, I'm just curious why the sudden change?

Also, is it ok to ride for a long period at like 5000 rpms? Or higher? Long period meaning like 15/20 minutes.

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What kind of gas did you put in it last? Could be some bad gas if it just randomly started acting up. You might need to clean the tank...

It's been doing it for the past 3 tanks at least. I honestly don't remember, its always 93/94 but I kind of just get gas wherever I can, I don't like to ride too far after the light comes on.

Never made it to the garage this weekend man, sorry. I *might* be down there tonight, i'll call you if I am.

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how long do you leave it on the choke when you start it? You may have fouled the plugs. Please elaborate on how you use the choke on the bike.

I'm not sure, I've never counted it or anything, just whatever feels good to where I think it won't stall. How long should I use it? And should I have it all the way out, or just a lil bit, etc?

And if I did foul the plugs, do I have to pull them and clean them, or just run it hard for a bit?

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Also, I'll add that I probably don't run the bike as hard as I should. I get grief from my buddies because I'm always shifting up to keep the rpm's down/make it smoother, and one of them said I should run the shit out of it almost daily, if only for a little bit, and he said the reason was because bikes can foul the plugs awfully fast, and they are meant to be rode hard. My reasoning is I don't have the space to run it hard, and I don't want to be just cruising down the street at 6 or 7k rpms', it's screaming then.

Any idea on what's best? is it hard on the bike to constantly be in the higher rpm's?

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you don't HAVE to run the bike hard for it to work correctly, but some of the things you've said would lead me to believe that you might want to try replacing the plugs. You could always pull the old ones first to make sure, but the new ones should only be a few bucks a piece and you'll need them eventually, so it just saves labor time for you to buy the new ones first.

When I ride carbureted bikes (don't anymore), I'm a habitual under-user of the choke. My opinion is that you should only use the choke if the bike has been cold for a while, such as the first time you start it for the day. You should let the bike warm up on the choke for 30-60 seconds (this will depend on the weather/bike and will change). you should NEVER RIDE WITH THE CHOKE ON!! Ease the choke out until the bike will idle without it. I've had bikes that don't idle at the same place cold as they do warm, but it'll warm up the rest of the way as you begin to ride.

When I worked at a dealer we would constantly have to change fouled plugs on bikes that the salespeople would start up to show a customer, rev it up a few times (which is bad for them anyway), and then immediately shut them off...that's the easiest way to foul the plugs.

long explanation shortened...buy some NGK plugs (should be between $3-5 each from a dealer, but pony might have them as well), and change them out. I'm betting that'll help your problem.

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oh yeah, forgot to hit on the riding style thing. It should never hurt your bike to ride it hard/fast as long as it is ready for it. What I mean by that is obviously it has all the fluids it needs, but most importantly it has been given time to WARM UP. The absolute worst thing you can do to any engine is to beat on it while it's cold (both water and oil temp). After up to temp (and not overheating) rev it up all you want and it'll be fine.

Riding in lower RPMs/less throttle input shouldn't cause fouled plugs unless you're riding short distances that don't allow the bike to warm up and then shutting it off. The only other possible way I could see it causing an issue would be if you have a jet kit and the jetting is too rich, or if you're constantly bogging the motor out by giving it full throttle from 2K-5K rpms all the time.

Riding the bike hard may take care of some of the problems with your plugs, but not all the way. Plus, it's pretty cheap to replace the plugs anyway. It'd be another story if you were riding a bike with iridium NGKs...$20/a piece...ouch.

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Well the plugs were just replaced about 1100miles ago, so I can do them again, but they should be like new. I do like the 3/4k-7k ish in 2nd gear a lot, that's fun.

I think my bike runs a tad rich, I can smell it, plus I have a k&n filter, but no tune/jetted for it, it was in the bike when I bought it.

I always give the bike time to warm up, never go over 3k ish until I'm sure it is.

But I usually let it idle while I'm putting my gloves/helmet on.

thanks for the help, I'll look into getting some new plugs, but like I said, it always starts/doesn't give me any issues, so is this a bad thing, or just a little hiccup on cold starts?

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My bike was brand new, had only had it out twice. It wouldn't start without the choke full on without stalling. When the bike was upright, it would idle rough with the choke on, stall with the choke off and when it was put on the kick stand the engine would rev. This was all happening with less than 40 miles on it. I took it back to the dealer and they changed the plug and cleaned the carb and now it runs great. Don't even need the choke and it idles great...and the same way whether it's upright or not!

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