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Anybody have a good job with just an associates degree??


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I guess what I am asking is there any career/fields that you can get into immediately with just an associates degree? Not that you have a associates and you are now a president of something etc.


I have a friend of my family and there daughter is looking into schools etc. She isnt the brightest and been looking at schools bs places that advertise on tv tec etc. I advised against this but honestly cant think of a field where a associates would get you in some where.. Anybody have any suggestions?

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Any field where there are positions suffixed with the word 'assistant'. I wouldn't prejudge this person, though. I know a LOT of 'not the brightest' people who have gotten BS or BA degrees (the latter of which is about equivalent to a good associate degree, but I digress). The key to picking a college applies to smart people and dumb people just the same, if you have an interest in an area, and are willing to put work into studying it, then that's what your degree should be. Leave the job finding for after you get out, a lot changes in 4-5 years.
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I have an Associates in Accounting and I pretty much walked into a job 6 years ago as the Accounts Payable person. Since then, I have worked my way from AP to Accounts Receivable and now I am the Accounting Clerk. Experience is key but it is hard in the field of Accounting. A good thing to be knowledgable in is of course customer service, Windows, and Excel. Most accounting systems are ran through Windows, so if you can understand Microsoft programs, you will be fine.
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What do you do Wease?


Software Engineer. As someone already said, military experience plus a degree is gold in the work force. I did four years active duty, finished up my degree while I was in (prior to that I had been in college for chemistry), and when I got out, I had no problems finding a job.


Of course, none of that may apply to you if you don't plan on joining the service or getting into that aspect of IT... :)

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I have an associates degree and also a title of president. The degree put me in a position to get lucky. I was engineering for a Tier One manufacturer to GM,Chrysler, Honda, and others. This company went under and I was able to pick up the pieces. Any degree will put you in a better position than not having one at all.


+1 on the nursing, people always get sick. Hence, it is a sustained commodity.

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As said before, if she's willing to go into the military that would be her best bet. She doesnt have to be a grunt, she can push paper's for 4 years and get some bullshit admin job at a company somewhere. I personally would recommnd looking into becoming a dental hygenist (sp?). I know a girl who got her Associate's degree in this and makes decent amount right out of school. Im sure the Army has a similar program too.


EDIT: I would've said nursing but Im guessing you have to be fairly good at mathmatics and, oh I dont know... biology maybe? By the way you described this girl she might not be that good at either.

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I don't have a degree and I worked for the state for a while in corrections. the base pay isn't anything to write home about, but the opportunity to move around within the state is miraculous. I would have made about 40 grand this year if i would have stayed in. Not bad for a 23 year old without a degree. not only that, but the retirement is great. I know of old timers in the system that are getting ready to retire with over a half a million coming to them. imagine what ones retirement will be like 30 years from now.
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