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Going to Divorce Court (Licking County) on the 24th. Any Advice?

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Guest LSWON333
yeah but seeing your daughter around another man/father type figure has to bug the shit out of you?


and yes being self employed really does have its perks.


I havent got there yet. When I do, I don't plan on hanging out with them...My daughter knows who her daddy is so Im not worried about that. I just know that her and I are through, so why beat myself up over it, we dont get along!! Im getting much better pussy now too so fuck her lol.

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I'm going to be a free man after the 24th of this month. I am scared to death because we have 1 child and Im so affraid that I am going to get the shaft as far as time with my son... The mom (aka bitch) will not agree to my proposed parenting plan (EOWE with me also having him every Monday and Tuesday nights) She wants him EVERY WEEK NIGHT.. but she says that I can see him "a couple of hours after school on Mondays and Weds.!!... Bull Shit!! I'm filing for resentital parenting for school placement purposes.


Anyway.. Im writing this because I am preparing my case (I can not afford an attorney) and wondering what I should expect. Has anyone on here been thru this?? Anyone go thru it in Licking County?? I have Judge Steiner. Any help would be great... Thanks!!


Do you have a backyard? A shovel? Problem solved.

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We may as well have been married... I was with her for 7 LONG years.


If you live in the same domicile as someone for 7+ years the state can consider it common law marriage which would mean you face the same laws, rules and regulations as a regular divorce. For your sake I hope thats not the case, Ive heard of common law marriages and divorces going just as bad as failed marriages. Sad really.


I agree with everyone else. Find a lawyer, a good one. If you dont have the money up front (who does?) almost all of them will enter into some sort of payment situation to take the case. I'd rather be paying for your defense in court than just paying it out to your ex.

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If you live in the same domicile as someone for 7+ years the state can consider it common law marriage which would mean you face the same laws, rules and regulations as a regular divorce. For your sake I hope thats not the case, Ive heard of common law marriages and divorces going just as bad as failed marriages. Sad really.


I agree with everyone else. Find a lawyer, a good one. If you dont have the money up front (who does?) almost all of them will enter into some sort of payment situation to take the case. I'd rather be paying for your defense in court than just paying it out to your ex.


as far as i know the state of ohio doesnt honor the common law marriage bullshit...so you wouldnt have nothing of the same if anything a civil case were she pleads that she owns half of everything because it was purchased while you were together

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If you live in the same domicile as someone for 7+ years the state can consider it common law marriage which would mean you face the same laws, rules and regulations as a regular divorce. For your sake I hope thats not the case, Ive heard of common law marriages and divorces going just as bad as failed marriages. Sad really.


I agree with everyone else. Find a lawyer, a good one. If you dont have the money up front (who does?) almost all of them will enter into some sort of payment situation to take the case. I'd rather be paying for your defense in court than just paying it out to your ex.


Common law hasn't been around for a long time........

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Common law hasn't been around for a long time........


I dont know anyone personally who has gone through it but have heard stories. Of course third person stories and word of mouth aren't always reliable either. I always thought it was bullshit, the way it was explained to me is that the whole idea is a 'way of life' clause in which for the woman to keep that standard of living (aka, her 'way of life') she needs to be compensated if you split.


Lets not forget the whole IDEA of alimony and child support is a sham, an idea that was conceived in the 50's and 60's when women couldnt come close to making the income a man could make. The whole idea makes me sick, the man in the situation gets Effed over simply because he's the man. Goodluck.


Oh, and dont be crazy GET A LAWYER!

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this is why you dont get married in the first place. there is just no security for men in marriage. if you cheat on her, she gets half. if she cheats on you, she still gets half. why would anyone ever put themselves into this position in the first place?


gotta think with your big head and not your little one IMO.

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this is why you dont get married in the first place. there is just no security for men in marriage. if you cheat on her, she gets half. if she cheats on you, she still gets half. why would anyone ever put themselves into this position in the first place?


gotta think with your big head and not your little one IMO.

if you're going into marriage thinking that you or her is going to cheat then maybe you shouldn't get married anyways.

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if you're going into marriage thinking that you or her is going to cheat then maybe you shouldn't get married anyways.


He's not saying that you should just ASSUME your partner is going to cheat. He's saying your fate both financially and emotionally is basically in her hands no matter what decision either of you make. And he's right.

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I appreciate all the advice guys.. really!! I'm not stupid... I'm not walking in unprepared.. BELIEVE ME!!! I have spent MANY!! MANY!! MANY!! hours drafting leagal documents on behalf of my case... I have spent over 100 hrs easily!!! I had an attorney for 7 months and had to let her go cause I ran out of money. She is still helping me and coaching me for free, but she won't rep me in court because of her current case log and the fact that I have no money. I had a 1 1/2 hr meeting with her today... She was very suprised of how organizied and prepared I am... She seems to believe that I will do fine.... I will keep you all in the loop as to what happens... Time to get back to my case.... Wish me luck.
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Common law hasn't been around for a long time........



As I understand it, common law is the foundation for all of our modern principles.


Most statutes and ordinances say that common law applies, unless otherwise stated.


So, the wording of the language or statute governs...but if the issue isn't spoken to, common law can be extremely important.


All you need is precedent...

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As I understand it, common law is the foundation for all of our modern principles.


Most statutes and ordinances say that common law applies, unless otherwise stated.


So, the wording of the language or statute governs...but if the issue isn't spoken to, common law can be extremely important.


All you need is precedent...


I have no idea what you just said. Common law in Ohio was referred to as two unmarried people, one male and one female, living together for seven years became legally married automatically. Are you talking about common property law? In that case, that's where the wife has a right to any of your money/property. Because once you're married, that shit belongs to both of you.

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Guest hotrodmama024
Good Luck buddy! I know its no joy ride in the park. I have been divorced for 4 years now. It gets easier with every year that goes by, and your daughter will get wise to it as well. Hope everything works out for the best!
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