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Country or City?


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I Like both really, I grew up and lived in the country and it is quiet, I moved to Columbus due to a divorce, but I can say when I moved here my car was broken into 7 times even with an alarm, assholes kept smashing the windows and stealing my indash DVD player, in the country that wasn't an issue. so other than that I like the city due to the fact that everything is within 10 min. of where I live, country is good for privacy but you can find that in the city you just have to look harder. I may go back when I get older but for now I'll take the city :thumbup:
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City. Im young, in school and the bar isnt a 90 second drive from my driveway.


Christ, didn't any of you catch this? Maybe you should change your screen name to DumbassCarl?;)


I prefer suburbia on the outskirts of a large midwest city. Close enough to all the trappings (ie. culture, shopping), but far enough outside the city proper to avoid the traffic, indigents, clutter of the city. No septic tanks and well water for me.

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Make sense so I can respond to you.




It amazes me how many people think it's okay to just shit on your home city (i.e., Columbus) on a routine basis. Is Columbus the greatest? No, I don't think so. But does it warrant all the shit it takes, especially from it's own citizens? Definitely not.


People wonder why Columbus has such a hard time earning nationwide respect. It's little wonder to me; after all, it's own inhabitants don't even respect it.



i don't think there's anything wrong with Columbus, it's not terribly exciting, but not terribly boring either...it offers some entertainment. it's a fairly clean town, compared to places like Cincy or Cleveland which are very industrial and run down in a lot of areas.


i dont think people hate Columbus, they just hate where Columbus is...if we were oceanside in a sunny warm state or had some snowy peaks nearby, i bet it'd get a lot of votes. we're landlocked in the center of a rather dull state.


as for city or country....just depends. actual city living, like Manhattan...hell no. i stayed with my cousin for a few weeks, no car, had to walk everywhere or pay for a cab...45min round trip walk to the store and you can only buy as much as you feel like carrying. i'd rather live in a smaller city like Columbus, or an even smaller city just beyond the outskirts, ie; Circleville, Delaware, etc.

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Country, but just outside the city (as in, only a few minute drive).


This tends to be some of the more expensive land; imagine that.


I hate having neighbors, and I live in a house. I can't imagine living in some stupid apartment...that has to SUCK.


My g/f lives in a condo, but luckily she is in a condo complex that doesn't allow renters, no one has kids, top floor so no dealing with people pounding around walking, and barely any shared walls due to its setup. It still sucks, but better than most.


City living is lame. I want some space to do stuff. I hate cramming all my outdoor stuff in a small area. I want room to do what I want to do. Next place I live will NOT be in a suburb.

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LOL, no. :) Just a subject I care about a little more than others. Or, maybe it's just a pet peeve of mine to hear people slander Columbus.


I know what you mean. I grew up far from Columbus and I think its a nice place. Looks like Ohio's population thinks so too since all the other cities in Ohio and losing population and Central Ohio is growing. I wouldn't want to deal with a city much bigger than Columbus IE New York, LA...


I got 5 acres in Marengo now though so YEEHAWW.



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live in the city have a place to go on the weekends or for rest


seriously being young and in the country sucks ballz for living, coming to visit the country is nice but knowing you are leaving and going back to someplace where you always have something to do is better. Tilley people hate on columbus cause that is all they know its the grass is greener thing until they get there and realize morons/crimes/congestion everything to do with columbus is everyplace also

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i grew up in baltimore md, and miss it alot. living in the country and these little hick towns have advantages such as less police patrol and more space but on the other hand theres nothing to do and the biggest attraction within 20 minutes of here is a damned wal mart.....so city>country imho
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Ive lived in the Real Country 15mi to the nearest neighbor. and the city. I like being close to everything and convient. but i hate house's that are close together. I have about 1/2 and hate it. Im going to buy another house that has like 7-10acres. Thats enough country for me and i can still live around pataskala, pickerington, blacklick area. So thats great for me!
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country hands down, not because I hate columbus but because I enjoy the peace and space and not dealing with the worry about pissing your nieghbors off anytime you want to do something. You do what you want with your property and no one gives a fuck cause the nearest neighbor is 1/2 mile down the road.
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Christ, didn't any of you catch this? Maybe you should change your screen name to DumbassCarl?



He didn't say that he actually drives from his place to the bar.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Though I might drive there, I never drive home. It would be a rediculous to take the chance of a DUI rather than shelling out 4.00$ for a cab. ;)


But yeah, my point was everything is within a few minutes of everything else. The only experience I had with the country was in Ross county/Washington Courthouse area and everything was a 15min drive at least. Someday when Im more of a homebody or dont feel the need to go out and socialize as much it wont matter but until then Im a city boy.

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I want a mix......if I could have 5 acres and still be decently close to a grocery store I'd love it. And if you wanted the extremes, I would much rather live 45 min from downtown columbus then live on high street. I have extreme anxiety when I'm around alot of people{especially college kids}
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