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Chad is Dead

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My computer keeps telling me that I have a spyware infection. At times it also pops up a spyware program I can download but it costs' $50. I tried a free sample of one at download.com but it said it could only fix 4 problems and then I would have to pay money. And when I went to fix the 4 problems it was messing up. My computer runs fine, but I keep getting these alerts that are extremely annoying because they pop up alot from my tool bar. Does anyone have any idea what to do or any programs to download? I've had spybot since I got the computer and now it says error on some things when I run it. Please help!
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Try running http://housecall.trendmicro.com its an online virus & spyware scanner. It usually does a pretty good job getting rid of stuff like that. It May take a while depending on your internet connection.


You can also get free online tech support by email at http://www.protonic.com

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The program telling you your infected is in reality also a spyware program. You need to get the freeware program Ad-Aware http://www.lavasoft.com/products/select_your_product.php.

Also get at least a free ware firewall and set it up real good. Spybot is also a good program to set some immunities for your browsers.



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fdisk, format, reinstall windows.




I'd run either Spybot Search & Destroy, and/or Adaware. They're both free and do great jobs. I run them both, and try to update them every few weeks.


If you have any sort of toolbar installed, ex. Yahoo toolbar, Google toolbar, pr0n toolbar, w/e. Uninstall it, those things are crap and spyware themselves. The ad's your getting are also spyware. They're just trying to scare you into buying their program.

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