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Jobs drops a turd


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News from outside the reality distortion field:




While the crowd of sycophants were busy oohing and aahing on queue in their competition to give Steve Jobs the best remote rim job, Apple stocks drop 10 points during the keynote.


ROFL. This absolutely cracks me up. Jobs needs to do a Chevy Chase and just go away. I can't stand that idea stealing, grandstanding, megamaniacal attention whore.

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News from outside the reality distortion field:




While the crowd of sycophants were busy oohing and aahing on queue in their competition to give Steve Jobs the best remote rim job, Apple stocks drop 10 points during the keynote.


ROFL. This absolutely cracks me up. Jobs needs to do a Chevy Chase and just go away. I can't stand that idea stealing, grandstanding, megamaniacal attention whore.


So, tell us how you really feel? Were you and your mother close? Do you dream at night? If so, what kinds of dreams do you usually have?

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News from outside the reality distortion field:




While the crowd of sycophants were busy oohing and aahing on queue in their competition to give Steve Jobs the best remote rim job, Apple stocks drop 10 points during the keynote.


ROFL. This absolutely cracks me up. Jobs needs to do a Chevy Chase and just go away. I can't stand that idea stealing, grandstanding, megamaniacal attention whore.


For as much as you hate him for being an attention whore, you just gave him a whole lot of attention by making this post. What exactly do you hate about the guy?

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For as much as you hate him for being an attention whore' date=' you just gave him a whole lot of attention by making this post. What exactly do you hate about the guy?[/quote']


Oh you mean all 89 people that have seen thread so far? But Im curious too, why do you hate this guy so much mowgli?

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Read anything about the guy's background; overall bio, personal life, treatment of employees, treatment of women, opinion of himself, anything, then get back to me.


He rides on the sweat and genius of others then takes credit. He's enscounced himself as the self appointed king of a circle of very creative people/community (spawned by Wozniak not him) and then distorts reality to make it seem as if he led them. He's not a leader, he's a taskmaster. And a thief.


I see his type all the time, and I just don't like seeing the equivalent of a used car salesman make himself out to be Stephen Spielberg/Hawking. The only thing he brings to that position is the ability to talk to record and movie moguls, you know, the other greedy sleazebags. Because he's one of the crowd. I'm can imagine what one of these negotiating sessions is like: he walks in and then some greasy record exec walks in and its like Pokemon - whoever can spew the most bullshit and bury their opponent in it get their contract signed.


The people of Apple deserve better. (well most of them anyway, not the ones drinking the cool aid, not the ones who are too stupid to realize they're sucking the dick of a used car salesman).


And yes, used car salesmen, I just insulted you.

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<---- Used car salesman.



Everyone is greedy. If you want to talk sleazy why dont you check out auto repair shops. Or HVAC guys. Now there are some professional thieves.


Example: Yep your furnance is bad. Oh really how much to fix it 2500 dollars WHAT!!!!

Call up friend who does HVAC: Can you check this out ill slide u a few bucks for your time let me know if this guy is serious.


Friend comes out: Oh its just this circuit board. Calls work 150 dollar fix.



As for who the topic is about who the fuck is that guy. Dont care wont research it and wont effect my life in the least bit EVER.

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I don't preech Apple as I only use their iPod but respect what Steve Jobs and his team.....they have done in the world of marketing with the reinvention of their Brand. A change that was desperately needed not too long ago prior to the iMac and his return to the company. A Change Agent isn't necessary if something isn't broken. In thier case, it was needed.


Think about Power Computing and other failed OEM's of Apple in the mid-1990s. It wasn't until Jobs returned that sales turned around as a result of getting everyone back to the crusade Apple was on before he left. He has evanglized and created their current Brand for Apple.


Like it or not, he's done quite a bit for Apple. He took the Business, which is nothign but a collection of people and technologies centered around an ideology (a reason to believe). He then led the company to create a Brand, which nothing more than what people say about you when you are not in the room. His people worked to create a Design for their products, which = translation of these first two points. Lastly, he's flooded the market with Advertising to further drive awareness.


I like "the Woz" but he didn't do any of the above to the extent of Jobs. He had a vision, but couldn't pull it off. He's a great tech who certainly worked to change the world of technology as we know it. However, he couldn't have made Apple what they are today.


I can see yoiu don't like SJ, but the it's not about him....it's about how he has brought the company from a busienss standpoint together. He is the voice of Apple, like him or not he at least has the balls to stand up and make the promise to consumers that that their devices will perform within their Brand's reputation.


While I've been in sales for some time, my background is Architecture and Design and I'm now back in that industry with a market leader. In this industry, it's without a doubt SJ and his vision and message to his people transformed its brand identity into a physical space and experience. It absolutely bears lessons for those developing all kinds of products and services. In my industry, it's a huge example of a Job well done......no pun intended.


What many here have said about mp3's and Apple and perhaps their products not being as good as other options out there may be true, but great products don't speak for themselves. Just look at the SonyMP3 or MS's Zune. Good product offerings by solid companies. The problem is both Microsoft and Sony are known for slapping logos onto technology, not as category disruptors like Apple. Merchant vs. Marketer and guess who wins? There's a podcast out there called "The Profit Formula." It's worth the time to review.



Read anything about the guy's background; overall bio, personal life, treatment of employees, treatment of women, opinion of himself, anything, then get back to me.


He rides on the sweat and genius of others then takes credit. He's enscounced himself as the self appointed king of a circle of very creative people/community (spawned by Wozniak not him) and then distorts reality to make it seem as if he led them. He's not a leader, he's a taskmaster. And a thief.


I see his type all the time, and I just don't like seeing the equivalent of a used car salesman make himself out to be Stephen Spielberg/Hawking. The only thing he brings to that position is the ability to talk to record and movie moguls, you know, the other greedy sleazebags. Because he's one of the crowd. I'm can imagine what one of these negotiating sessions is like: he walks in and then some greasy record exec walks in and its like Pokemon - whoever can spew the most bullshit and bury their opponent in it get their contract signed.


The people of Apple deserve better. (well most of them anyway, not the ones drinking the cool aid, not the ones who are too stupid to realize they're sucking the dick of a used car salesman).


And yes, used car salesmen, I just insulted you.

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None of that is news to me and none of it refutes what I said.


I've owned two tech companies and co-started three in my time, and sold my share of one of them for enough to semi-retire on. And I did it without shitting on others or taking credit for what was not mine.


BTW everything you said applies to Harley Davidson. Sure, its a legitimate business turnaround model. And yet Harley needed no jackass frontman getting a woody off of buying celebrity to get it done. But they're every bit as sleazy. The only difference is at the head of this org is a man who sold his soul, at the front of Apple is a man who buys them. So while Willie G. secretly apologizes for the actions HD did to rise to $, Steve Jobs has you beleiving theirs were some sort of epiphany. I've known enough salesmen and marketers, been involved closely enough with them whilest they were doing their craft to say with zero doubt I'll not have to go to my grave ever gaining one ounce of respect for any of them. I know what that takes and I'm not impressed, and never will be.


Anyway, how about reading a bio that wasn't sponsored by Jobs?


Short version:

- Hurray for Apple for clawing their way back from near bankruptcy to 8% market share and becoming the vehicle to a facilitator of big media distribution oligarchy plays, oh boy we'll all be the winners from THAT........

- Boo to Jobs for being a subhuman.

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Read anything about the guy's background; overall bio, personal life, treatment of employees, treatment of women, opinion of himself, anything, then get back to me.


He rides on the sweat and genius of others then takes credit. He's enscounced himself as the self appointed king of a circle of very creative people/community (spawned by Wozniak not him) and then distorts reality to make it seem as if he led them. He's not a leader, he's a taskmaster. And a thief.


I see his type all the time, and I just don't like seeing the equivalent of a used car salesman make himself out to be Stephen Spielberg/Hawking. The only thing he brings to that position is the ability to talk to record and movie moguls, you know, the other greedy sleazebags. Because he's one of the crowd. I'm can imagine what one of these negotiating sessions is like: he walks in and then some greasy record exec walks in and its like Pokemon - whoever can spew the most bullshit and bury their opponent in it get their contract signed.


The people of Apple deserve better. (well most of them anyway, not the ones drinking the cool aid, not the ones who are too stupid to realize they're sucking the dick of a used car salesman).


And yes, used car salesmen, I just insulted you.


What does it matter of the mans background. I personally don't care if he treats women like crap, has horrible habits, thinks he's the best. I truly could care less what he does at the company he works for or with the people that work with him.


Behind every well known blown out of proportion leader, there are hundreds if not thousands that slave away in the background doing the REAL work. But I don't see Jobs personally saying he invented the iPod in his basement while working on Lisa. I don't think less of Jobs for being a "theif", I think less of the fools who work for him and don't do something about it.


To me, that's the big difference. Steve may not have the talent, he may not have the knowledge, shit he might not have ANYTHING....but what he has had was the ability to be in the right place at the right time and for that I can't fault him. It's like winning the lottery, with more options.


I don't see Jobs as anyone, except the guy who speaks once a year for Apple. Sure he might be the CEO, but don't you think he's more of a faux CEO and he's got a lot of history with the company so he acutally represents something....something with age, precedence, and experience....in a technological world that's constantly evolving.


He is what you say, a used car salesman.....but he's only as "great" as you want him to be. Let others beleive their own fairy tales, that's their choice. I could give two shits, the hype of him, or the credit that you seemingly think that he gives himself. Just a guy, in the right place at the right time

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Sounds like you've found the magic bullet if you can create revenue without any type of sales or marketing. Damn genius if you ask me. Perhaps you should sell your techniques and methodology to other corporations with the ROI being they won't have to pay for either of the aforementioned. Until that happens and is proven, I don't see that working for the likes of the big boys. In fact, much like Woz, most folks end up selling those companies or fading away. Many times, that's the goal...grow it to a point and then sell it and cash in....somewhat.....


None of that is news to me and none of it refutes what I said.


I've owned two tech companies and co-started three in my time, and sold my share of one of them for enough to semi-retire on. And I did it without shitting on others or taking credit for what was not mine.


BTW everything you said applies to Harley Davidson. Sure, its a legitimate business turnaround model. And yet Harley needed no jackass frontman getting a woody off of buying celebrity to get it done. But they're every bit as sleazy. The only difference is at the head of this org is a man who sold his soul, at the front of Apple is a man who buys them. So while Willie G. secretly apologizes for the actions HD did to rise to $, Steve Jobs has you beleiving theirs were some sort of epiphany. I've known enough salesmen and marketers, been involved closely enough with them whilest they were doing their craft to say with zero doubt I'll not have to go to my grave ever gaining one ounce of respect for any of them. I know what that takes and I'm not impressed, and never will be.


Anyway, how about reading a bio that wasn't sponsored by Jobs?


Short version:

- Hurray for Apple for clawing their way back from near bankruptcy to 8% market share and becoming the vehicle to a facilitator of big media distribution oligarchy plays, oh boy we'll all be the winners from THAT........

- Boo to Jobs for being a subhuman.

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While you're busy inventing things I didn't say, Jobs continues being a twat.


I never said I didn't have salesmen and marketers. I said what they and Jobs do doesn't impress me. All kinds to jobs (no pun) are neither impressive or hard. Its not hard to dig a ditch either.


And with that I'm out. Continue drinking the Jobs PR cool aid, or defending used car salesmen, or whatever the heck else you're on about, in my absence.

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Continue drinking the Jobs PR cool aid, or defending used car salesmen, or whatever the heck else you're on about, in my absence.


I don't think I am defending Jobbs, I think the product "iPhone" and "Apple TV Take 2" are cool products and I like how they work. If Hitler himself was up marketing these two products I would still think they are cool. Jobbs didn't sway me, watching the products features and what they can do did. So basically if Selma Hyek or the people who designed the products were up there showing off Apple's product it would be ok to you?

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What Apple has become in the world of retail and technology isn't easy and while it may not impress you or some others, those that work in marketing, sales and in business in general certainly do as their success is well deserved.


Going from near bust to the highest per dollar sq ft. in the entire world of all retailers isn't easy The numbers as of this month have them at an average of nearly $4,500 in sales per square foot. That's 5x that of Best Buy (One of my clients) and they are know for having the most efficient retails stores including small and big-box retailers. Only Tiffany came close with sales just slightly 1/2 of Apple per square foot. Add in the fact that their stores pull down over 42% gross profit and that's a story that impresses most everyone in business.


Apple is also a brand name that carries the most global impact which isn't easy. They even bumped Google from the top spot in the not so far past and continue to battle it out with them and YouTube on a yearly basis. Brand wise, only Victoria's Secret has a brand that is near as all inclusive and well done as Apple.


Companies like Dell, IBM, and others may still dominate the computer market share results but the folks at Apple, including Jobs, realized years ago that they can either continue to fight the rest in the same old game or they could simply change the game and make themselves a market leader.


That they have done and to this day, the others have not and continue to battle it out in the day in day out world of low margin items. Apple is now often times the player everyone else is going after and they are reaping the rewards day in and day out.


I'm sure you've heard the old saying that when you're on top of the corporate ladder the only things those below climbing up see is an asshole....well, it's good to be the king and in JS's case, if he appears an asshole to many, I'm sure he doesn't care as he's made it to the top. Gone are the days of comparing their market share in computers to others....that no longer matters. The only one they are focused on out-doing is themselves.



I said what they and Jobs do doesn't impress me. All kinds to jobs (no pun) are neither impressive or hard. Its not hard to dig a ditch either.


And with that I'm out. Continue drinking the Jobs PR cool aid, or defending used car salesmen, or whatever the heck else you're on about, in my absence.

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