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Or I guess it would just be a reason. But my question is this:


What has kept you here in columbus. Besides the obvious family answer, but what else has kept you here. I have talked it over with acouple of my friends and I am seriously thinking on moving to a warmer place. Like the carolinas, florida, arizona, SoCal. I am talking about selling everything, I mean everything except my truck and clothes and just move. The reason for this is because I wanna be some place warm all the time and after selling my house which I owe very little on and selling everything in it along with the vette and boat I would have a very very nice stash of cash to just put in the bank. So money would not be an issue for starting over. I am trying to figure out what is keeping me here beside family and work..

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I dont know what your field of expertise is, but I know my industry has plenty of jobs here in Columbus.


Not to mention, the time I spent every weekend over the summer with fellow CR members proved to be some of the most fun I have ever had.

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I think jobs/family/etc keep people somewhere. I have a timeshare condo down in Kure Beach (north carolina) and I go there atleast like 6 or 7 times a year to get out of Ohio. . . honestly, it's just convenient for holidays and shit. . . . to stay here, and for work. . . it's what we know. But heres to ya for wanting change. . . I feel that.
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Besides the weather, I love Columbus. Its hard to describe but ive traveled all over the world and at first glance other places look better but my heart is in columbus. I have been planning on moving to south florida but as i got closer to doing so i think its better for me to stay here and maybe entertain moving to soflo in 4-5 years.
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Don't have anything other than the obvious. Family, friends, etc. Both my parents and in-laws live in Westerville. I live in Gahanna. Brother lives in Worthington.


Jobs here are good. I've learn to deal with the weather. Not a big deal for me.


Columbus is one of the better places to live cost/living and other reasons as well. I saw that in a magazine somewhere. I know Gahanna is in one of the top 100 places to live in the US. (I see it on a sign when I come home from work every day).

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Guest mbodi1970

I think it both.winter here sucks yes.. but we work on cars in the winter time to make them faster, better etc. I lived in Charleston SC hot times, had fun of my life people racing, gathering and showing off their cars every night. It was nice go to the beach nice cars lined up everywhere old cars, muscle cars bikes new hot rods. cars shining. but it took out the WOW in me seeing this everyday was to much.

but it's nice to live where it is warm but you have to pay for the warmth too and you get burned out fast. I came back because i like Ohio and it's cheaper than other places, but here we get to recharge and think thing through before we engage.

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im from san diego an been in columbus for a few years...ponding with my tax return to move back... but im biased to so cal seeing as i was raised there my whole life.. problem is the cost of living is so much worse then here but im willing to be broke and happy then GREAta and miserable in this cold weather....arizona is a great place cheaper then so cal but in july its like 115 out in MONSOON (SP?) season...
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For me, I haven't been here very long. There's still plenty for me to see, explore and experience. I've always been quite nomadic all my life and have literally up and moved out of state on an overnight whim. I say life is too short and as long as you can do it and handle it, fuckin go for it.


If you ever wanna shoot the shit about it or wanna know a bit about half the states I've lived in for ideas, let me know. :D

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Im basically here because it's what I know. Adventure for me is something thats done on the weekend, but in the end I would want to come home. My job pays well, my family is here, and I dont have a degree to fall back on. Starting over for me could mean a $40k per year loss in wages.


The only way I could ever move is if I made the other place my home and slowly transitioned away from Ohio... Or if I found a job that was too good to pass up.

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My family is still a bit of a travel for me, most of them being 1-1.5 hours away. I'm close enough with my family, but not in the talk every week kind of way. Living far from them wouldn't be a huge shock.


My job means crap to me, just having one that pays equal is enough for me to move on...it doesn't hold me here AT ALL.


Starting new is a bit scary. I would hate to leave my friends, and move somewhere all on my own. I think that is a big reason for me staying here the past 4-5 years...I don't want to do it alone. I'm very independant, and don't want/need someone around all the time, but going it totally alone isn't something I desire either.


That said, there is a strong chance me and my g/f will get married. Her family is all in Newfoundland, and she doesn't have a big group of friends here. She is fairly stuck to her job for a couple more years, but I am sure she will eventually want to move somewhere warmer/nicer.


Basically, in 5 years, I can easily see myself gone from Ohio. Hell, Reynoldsburg is the furthest south I've ever lived!


I like Ohio and Columbus, but the weather just doesn't match my lifestyle. I can't get motivated to do anything in the winter; I feel lazy and blah a lot of the time.


But who knows what the future holds........

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I left Texas basically thanks to my EX and I not gettin along. I had a few weeks left in becoming a Dallas cop, but I basically packed my clothes, told her keep the shit in the apartment and came home. It was nice living outside Ohio for once, but most of my friends are here, I like the change in seasons, and I'd been away from my family for too long. I've been debating going to the Boarder Patrol out in Arizona, or another boarder state, but I'd always miss Ohio and Buckeye football season.
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family/friends/job usual stuff keeps me around. Both mine and my wife's family reside close to c-bus so it keeps us close.


I would love to move to a warmer climate, but when you look at places like pheonix, carolinas, and florida yes there isn't a winter, but there is always still a "prohibitve" season to being outside. Whether it's 115 degree summers or hurricane season, there are VERY few places that will allow you an outside lifestyle all year round and they're very expensive because of it. I hate winter, but realize that there will likely be a season I don't like everywhere I go.


Plus, who the hell in they're right mind would want to drive in Florida on a regular basis?!

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Family, friends, home. Westerville is my home, always has been. I haven't ruled out moving, and, have been thinking about a move in the next couple years. Anywhere I'd move, Westerville would still be home.
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Carie and I have been debating moving somewhere warmer. I've had some pretty impressive job offers from companies in Arizona, Texas, and Florida. Her thing is family. Go figure. All of her family lives here locally. My brother is in Toledo and my parents are in Pittsburgh, so it really doesn't matter to me. I never see them anyways. I think eventually I'll convince her to move. I'd love to be able to ride year round. I have a lot of friends here, but they can come visit in the winter.
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Well you will move and come RIGHT back! I gurantee it I did I twice! Was living in Atlanta the Chicago it's nothing like having a good and proven support system the cost of living really can't be beat.. So I made the decsion of living here and traveling twice a month especially to beat the winter blues..


San Deigo is the shit! I went there in October for 2 weeks and really really thought about being transferred out there.

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I've been looking for a Job in Hawaii now for about 3 years. I've never in my life had 0 allergy problems cept when I was in Hawaii. I am here because of my job If I could up and move I would prolly. Cept family, My wifes parents are up there in age.
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I have no FUCKING clue why i am still here!

ever since my Grandmother died, 8 years ago! my family hasn't hardly even talked, let alone seen each other. (so that reason's out)

i would miss my friends, and Columbus in general, as i was born/raised here

but i think the wife, the kids and i might do it, we have been thinking about it since before we had kids

and if we do it, we want it to be before they get established in school

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The only real reason i haven't moved yet is cause of money and job. But it sounds like that would not be an issue for you. Family and friends are an issue too, but i think i would still see them alot cause they would want to vacation to somewhere warm, and i would come back here every once and a while too.
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I've been talking about it on and off for a few years, I have no real reason to stick around except for the fact that I want my daughter to grow up knowing her family, and everyone's in columbus, and friends, but if I could find a nice job, nothing spectacular, I'd definitely make the move, there's just that uncertainty.


Good luck to you if you do it, sounds like you a lot going for you should you decide to make the move.

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