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Guest 614Streets

This is my town and forever home sweet home. Columbus is cake. People are nice and what I am used to. Florida is a waste. California is a waste. These are all great places to visit but nowhere for me to call home. Columbus for the most point avoids awesome events of mother nature. The 4 seasons of change are vivid in columbus and our summer is why Hot Rodding is so big In Ohio , its common place in all year round warmer areas. They don't know what they have they take it for granted and the minute you don't follow suite , you steps behind.


Florida is Drugs. If your not doing them , your selling them. The water and air taste and smell like shit and piss which is why i pride taking a piss knowing that the puerto ricans down there are drinking my pee.


Could I move anywhere and be happy ? Yeah for awhile , but theres nothing like home sweet home. There is only a few states I haven't been in , but for me Columbus is home base.


I say do it , move and find out if your missing out , if it doesnt work out , you'll know where to go afterwards.

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Yes I have alot of work here but with my field I know I could find just as much work some place warm if not more since the cold wouldnt be in the picture anymore.


if you move to arizona you'll get cheaper labor just hire mexicans-day labor only runs 60$ for like 2-3 people......also since its always nice weather in AZ lots of hotties in skirts especially around ASU....only time that sucks there is end of may, june, july, beginning of aug. cause its hot as fuck..


good luck sam..also i don't think the car scene is to big there

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Part of my plans once I'm done with college (about 2 years), is to get into the traveling nurse profession, atleast for a few years. Several reasons for this:


1. It pays DAMN good.

2. They pay for your housing/apartment

3. They pay for your food.

4. Then they give you a rather large paycheck.

5. I can continue my education through online programs while traveling.

6. I get to see the country, and possibly/hopefully the world.

7. You can pick up and move to the next place of your choosing anytime you want. Probably every 3-6 months for me. Depends on when I get bored.

8. Finding a job as a nurse is ridiculously easy since there is such a shortage


That's the plan so far. I'd love to get out to see the world. If I find someplace that I really like, I'll stay. Otherwise, I'll keep up the gig until I'm bored with it and make my way back to what I know; Columbus.

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Part of my plans once I'm done with college (about 2 years), is to get into the traveling nurse profession, atleast for a few years. Several reasons for this:


1. It pays DAMN good.

2. They pay for your housing/apartment

3. They pay for your food.

4. Then they give you a rather large paycheck.

5. I can continue my education through online programs while traveling.

6. I get to see the country, and possibly/hopefully the world.

7. You can pick up and move to the next place of your choosing anytime you want. Probably every 3-6 months for me. Depends on when I get bored.

8. Finding a job as a nurse is ridiculously easy since there is such a shortage


That's the plan so far. I'd love to get out to see the world. If I find someplace that I really like, I'll stay. Otherwise, I'll keep up the gig until I'm bored with it and make my way back to what I know; Columbus.



What yr do you plan on getting the rest of the PTK kit for the vette.

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didnt we talk about this?...


Later in Life I will more than likely move myslf south unless I get or have a great position at a nice firehouse here in c Bus or surrounding area. However I still think even If I am doing well I would move someplace warm.


Family means alot. They live 2 hrs North.


Just gotta adjust your living situations, Its up to you If you wanna move. Its almost like having a brand new book only you get to start writing from page one if you really want... But for me Id bring my friends along with me for the ride.


Like I said , I'm moving far south as possible. The fucking florida keys if I can. but only time will tell.

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my fiance's family keeps me here, shes a spoiled kid from a wealthy family and has never been out of here, i dont want to drag her back to my hometown because we have twins on the way and i know were i was raised isnt a good place to have a family so im stuck here for atleast 18...id love to be back in maryland but its not going to happen ill still see the family on holidays
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I've thought about moving some where, but in my case I wanted to move somewhere where you got a shit ton of snow(Maine, NY, Vermont, Colorado). Here in Ohio it's just cold, it never snows and if it does then the next week it'll be 50 and it's all melted. The only reason I can't move for a least a while is my parents. I could never move away from my parents and I'd never want my son to see his grandparents.


Yeah, I'm a mommy's boy.

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I grew up on the west side of cleveland. In 76 fresh out of high school I up and moved to WYO. Over the next 25 years I worked all over the rockies. I have no use for anything on the west coast south of sacramento. Southern utah or southern Colo might fit the bill for you. Not as cold as the area's I prefer. I guess my advice is "dont think twice" go for it. I never thought I would come back to Ohio And tuthfully I dont know how long I will stay
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The water and air taste and smell like shit and piss which is why i pride taking a piss knowing that the puerto ricans down there are drinking my pee.


WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? Did everyone else miss this???


Back to topic. Ive kicked around this idea for the past few years. But I was always afraid of not having any sort of safety net. My family and I are VERY close, my brother is one of my best friends. I have some extended family down there that Im fairly close with but no one I could really live with. And without any sort of job or anything lined up I would just be setting myself up for failure.


I have heard one of the cheapest places from a cost of living standpoint is Las Vegas, go figure right? But really, if you stay out of the casino's and off the blow its gotta be fun.

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the cost of living is great here, and there's plenty to do in the city. my cousin lives in L.A., and is paying on a $500k condo, that is 1/2 the size of my $150k house--they can't even afford to have kids.

i am here until my training is done this summer, then moving to tampa for one more year of training--i'll be sure to let you guys know if i like it. i enjoy all 4 seasons, but winter does suck about this time of year, until late march. i guess i'm just waiting on global warming to kick in.


its very easy to get 'lulled' into complacency in life, and sometimes you just need to change things up, and re-evaluate where you're headed down the path. that being said, its also very hard to leave once you've established a career/family.


good luck with your choice.

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Part of my plans once I'm done with college (about 2 years), is to get into the traveling nurse profession, atleast for a few years. Several reasons for this:


1. It pays DAMN good.

2. They pay for your housing/apartment

3. They pay for your food.

4. Then they give you a rather large paycheck.

5. I can continue my education through online programs while traveling.

6. I get to see the country, and possibly/hopefully the world.

7. You can pick up and move to the next place of your choosing anytime you want. Probably every 3-6 months for me. Depends on when I get bored.

8. Finding a job as a nurse is ridiculously easy since there is such a shortage


That's the plan so far. I'd love to get out to see the world. If I find someplace that I really like, I'll stay. Otherwise, I'll keep up the gig until I'm bored with it and make my way back to what I know; Columbus.



this is a pretty good route. my wife is/was a nurse, and her friend is doing the traveling gig-- it pays well, as you've heard. just before my wife quit work with her pregnancy, she was working the 'weekend option night' rotation, earning $44/hr for her 2 weekend 12 hour shifts, and then $25/hr with the one weekday shift. 3 days of (hard) work, and 4 days off. there is NO OTHER job with the security of nursing, where you can earn $50-60k right out of a 4 year college. good luck.

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Do it! I have done some serious research on where to live in a warmer climate. Life is too short, make it happen, especially since you don't have a family. Now is the time to try something new.


I'll be moving to Tampa in 2 weeks. I got sick of talking about it for the past 10yrs and I'm not waiting until I'm in diapers and eligible for free cheese to realize Florida is the place for me.


Bottom line is mother nature has a HUGE impact on how you live your life and 300+ days of sunshine is nice. Cbus isn't a bad place to live, but all there is to do here is make money and spend money. Half the year you live in a giant freezer or a wet gloomy mud hole. My family and I love to be outside and all of my hobbies require decent weather. There is more to life then making money and sitting in the house because it's either too cold or raining outside.

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Bottom line is mother nature has a HUGE impact on how you live your life and 300+ days of sunshine is nice. Cbus isn't a bad place to live, but all there is to do here is make money and spend money. Half the year you live in a giant freezer or a wet gloomy mud hole. My family and I love to be outside and all of my hobbies require decent weather. There is more to life then making money and sitting in the house because it's either too cold or raining outside.


That right there is the truth. Not sure why the wife and I are still in Ohio either. I'd move to North Carolina or Arizona myself. I gotta get my wife out to the west sometime to see it for her self. I love exploring on road trips and the west would be a great place to do that.



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Or I guess it would just be a reason. But my question is this:


What has kept you here in columbus. Besides the obvious family answer, but what else has kept you here. I have talked it over with acouple of my friends and I am seriously thinking on moving to a warmer place. Like the carolinas, florida, arizona, SoCal. I am talking about selling everything, I mean everything except my truck and clothes and just move. The reason for this is because I wanna be some place warm all the time and after selling my house which I owe very little on and selling everything in it along with the vette and boat I would have a very very nice stash of cash to just put in the bank. So money would not be an issue for starting over. I am trying to figure out what is keeping me here beside family and work..


I did not read all of the responses, only this post.


I wanted to move to AZ bedore we got married. Her family ties were too strong.


Now, she would be ok moving there, pending work for her.


Personally, if you have no ties here, can pick up elsewhere for the same income / lifestyle, I would go for it. Just make sure you are ok leaving behind all of your close friends and family.





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what is keeping me here in columbus:


1. Family (Family is the most important thing in my life)

2. Friends ( I have had the same friends for about 15yrs, made new ones and lost touch with old ones)

3. My g/f, soon to be Fiancee ( I dont think I could find another girl like her and I dont want to, her family has treated me like a part of the family since day one)

4. My job working for Rural/Metro is amazing I love the people I work with and what I do for a living



Family,Friends, and my job are whats keeping me here in cols.


the only reason I might move is if I get accepted into Wyotech, for high performance powertrain or street rod and custom fab in blairsville pa, wont be a far drive home to good old columbus.

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