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Heath Legder dead


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Damn it must be easy to critique someone elses life. For those of you who say its a cowards way out, STFU. It might not be the most honest way to go but you/we have no idea in this situation what caused him to do what he did. Hell maybe its was a simple medication mixup, who knows? In all honesty stick to what you know cause you guys dont know much about what drives people to commit suicide. Its not black and white as you guys see it.
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  trbmiata said:
you guys dont know much about what drives people to commit suicide. Its not black and white as you guys see it.

Considering my dad killed himself, I'm pretty sure I know first hand what it's like. Quite cowardly if you ask me.






Though, I don't think Ledger purposely killed himself, that is it's too early to tell.

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  TripleThreat said:
looks like darkknight will be delayed


I'm willing to say that film is already completed. Question is in this new Batman series, does joker have more than one film he's featured in....If so, they may edit Heath out and replace with someone else.....That's what happened in "the Crow".....they edited Brandon right outta there. Eitherway, sad news...He was a great actor and I believe this Batman movie would have made his stock go waaaaay up!...



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  trbmiata said:
Damn it must be easy to critique someone elses life. For those of you who say its a cowards way out, STFU. It might not be the most honest way to go but you/we have no idea in this situation what caused him to do what he did. Hell maybe its was a simple medication mixup, who knows? In all honesty stick to what you know cause you guys dont know much about what drives people to commit suicide. Its not black and white as you guys see it.



Get off your soap box and dont pretend like you are the end all be all knowing what drives people to commit suicide. Like i said "IF HE TOOK HIS OWN LIFE" FUCK HIM. He is a coward.

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I hasn't even been determined weather is was suicide or not, although it certainly looks like it. Even if it was suicide, I would call him a lot of things but not a coward. It's got to take some huge balls to kill yourself in my book. Suicide is the ultimate cop-out as far as I'm concerned. My heart goes out to his beautiful 2 year old girl that will never know or remember seeing her father, and have to live with the stigma all her life that her daddy killed himself. To the surviving family and friends suicide is the ultimate betrayal.
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  mikehaze said:
Considering my dad killed himself, I'm pretty sure I know first hand what it's like. Quite cowardly if you ask me.






Though, I don't think Ledger purposely killed himself, that is it's too early to tell.



I too am sorry to hear that your dad killed himself, but until you get to that point yourself you dont know what your talking about.

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  TimTaylor75 said:

all I am saying is that its easy to look at it the way you guys do. I would suggest you go and spend time with people who have tried to commit suicide, you will realize that there are factors that lead them to suicide that are out of their control. You cant possilbly understand the mental anguish and pain some people go through to get to that point. Mike I did not mean to disrespect your feelings in anyway. I too have lost love ones to suicide and have delt with many battles myself. Thats all I have to say.

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  trbmiata said:
all I am saying is that its easy to look at it the way you guys do. I would suggest you go and spend time with people who have tried to commit suicide, you will realize that there are factors that lead them to suicide that are out of their control. You cant possilbly understand the mental anguish and pain some people go through to get to that point. Mike I did not mean to disrespect your feelings in anyway. I too have lost love ones to suicide and have delt with many battles myself. Thats all I have to say.


Nope he had a 2 Year old Child, you man up, face your problems like a man and conquer them. He is in an interview with a Cleveland TV satation and said "I feel like I can die now, now that she is born and healthy, I feel like there is a little bit of me in her that can go on. Then there is part of me that says I need to be here to watch her grow up and be there for her."


What a douchebag, Look what thought won out, he obviously was wanting to die.........


Again his poor daughter, has to grow up thinking my daddy didn't love me enough to stay alive and help and watch me grow up. Again Fuck Him.

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  trbmiata said:
I too am sorry to hear that your dad killed himself, but until you get to that point yourself you dont know what your talking about.

Ok, been there. Would you like for me to express my opinion on the subject? Would it be more difficult to be on your soap box when someone that has been there (not seen someone there) says something? Unfortunately my adolescence was rough.


Bullshit it's out of your control. A person with suicidal tendencies has a lot of control, more than they let be known.

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