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Anyone wanna play COD4 Live tonight


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I hated COD4, mostly because some parts were so difficult they were not fun spending 1 hour going down 1 hallway. When you get shot you look up and everything turns black and red? You cant lean or blindly shoot around corners. The enemy can. Nades and flashbangs easily kill me but rarely effect anyone else. The AI on your team sucks, they will just sit and watch as you are being eating by a dog. / end rant
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I might be on late tonight, after 12 or so once I put the asian sleep, cause my jimmy runs deep, so deep, per her ass to sleep... http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/kekekegay.gif






ill be on tonight, we can play private matches or whatever, i can get a few people to join if needed

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