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How often do you get drunk/high?


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Usually only drink on the weekends since I'm either working or studying all week. And usually only get drunk when I know I haven't anything else better to do the next day. As far as drugs, tried a little of this and a little of that. Nothing hard on a regular basis though. I'm one of those guys who likes to try everything at least once, which is probably going to bite me in the ass some day soon.
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The fact that you drink Steel Reserve discredits you.


i'll support ya bro...i usually have a 40, or a couple tall boys of Steel before we hit the bars on the weekends...which is pretty much the only time i drink now, as i'm getting older :cry:

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I drink on Fridays and Saturdays only, waking up at 6 AM and listening to a generator, air compressors and nail guns for the next 8-12 hours is not fun.


BTW, not to be a dick but if you're drinking Steel Reserve every night you just "might" have a drinking problem, that stuff is hobo fodder.:eek:

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I forgot to answer the question. :o


I'll drink 6-12 imports every week or so at home, usually with meals or while watching tv or something. I don't really go to bars very often anymore and when I do, I may have a couple shots and a few beers before a Bluejackets game. It's odd because I used to get drunk every night but once I turned 21 I lost the desire to get sloshed. :confused:


...and drugs are bad mmmkay.

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Me, well I don't really post on here if I haven't been drinking. (leftover beers and home brewed apple brandy tonight). Its a nightly thing for me and I can't stop at a "few" drinks. I get depressed and just about anything triggers me to pour a couple of shots. Its just easier that way, I guess. I don't really care. Lifes a bitch
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Prior to my deplyment I would kill a keg in about 5-6 weeks, plust bouts with Jagermeister and 151.

Since my return, I usually have 1 or 2 beers at the evening job, if I take the night off Ill have 3 or 4 at home while playing Halo, ony get plesanatly sloshed about once a month (well buzzed, not stupid drunk)

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I have not been drunk since about 2003 or 2004. Have only taken a few sips of alcohol since then. Have only smoked weed one time when i was about 21 got sick and never touched the stuff again. I hate pills i dont even like to take a tylenol for a headache unless its real bad.
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2 times a week. Though on fridays its me and about 6-9 people with 2-3 bottles of yeager and some beer before the bar, and then normally about $40-$60 at the bar.

On saturdays we all rotate what house were having a party and just get a keg and drain that in a couple hours. Thats it used to drink everyday for about 8 months but couldnt take it anymore just couldnt function during the day. Hangovers used to take me a couple hours to get over, now they take all day. Drugs, Ive done pretty much everything besides crack or heroin, but cut that out after getting robbed by one of buddies when I was 17. Now I smoke weed once or twice a year i

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The past two years I was drinking 6 times a week and playing poker 7 days a week. The poker paid for my booze. As far as getting high, I haven't gotten high in 5 years, possiblely longer. When I became a man, I put away my childish toys!




lol This whole post makes me laugh. Let's see if anyone else can figure out why. :rolleyes:

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