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Tesla Roadster now legal for sale in the US


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Between all the hoopla surrounding "temporary transmissions" and ever-shifting EPA range targets, one critical aspect of the Tesla Roadster's long, strange trip to market has been mostly overlooked: federal safety approval. Yep, no matter how sleek, fast, and quiet the little red (green) machine might be, Uncle Sam still needed to make sure the signals signaled and the bumpers bumped -- but according to a post on the Tesla blog by a VP named Malcom Powell, the Roadster is now fully approved and can legally go on sale. Don't jump for the piggy bank just yet, though -- while Elon Musk will be getting his straight off, everyone else will have to wait until March 17th for the production line to kick into gear. Once that happens, though, Tesla says it'll churn out 40 of the $100,000 cars per week -- so hopefully that waiting list'll get trimmed soonish.



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I thought they were able to be sold in the US before?

Sounds like they aren't on sale yet. Even so, it's possible it would have been sold as a Kit Car so it could get though a lot of the red tape. The Ariel Atom is like that. You get the entire car less the engine and then the engine on a separate pallet.


I would thikn though, that getting it officially approved lets Tesla become a real car manufacturer which proabaly has some benefits.. Hell, considering they sell electric cars, I'll bet they're in line for a bunch of fat government checks now that they're an official manufacturer.

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Sounds like they aren't on sale yet. Even so, it's possible it would have been sold as a Kit Car so it could get though a lot of the red tape. The Ariel Atom is like that. You get the entire car less the engine and then the engine on a separate pallet.


I would thikn though, that getting it officially approved lets Tesla become a real car manufacturer which proabaly has some benefits.. Hell, considering they sell electric cars, I'll bet they're in line for a bunch of fat government checks now that they're an official manufacturer.


no atoms are turn key cars 0 assembly required.

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Sounds like they aren't on sale yet. Even so, it's possible it would have been sold as a Kit Car so it could get though a lot of the red tape. The Ariel Atom is like that. You get the entire car less the engine and then the engine on a separate pallet.


I would thikn though, that getting it officially approved lets Tesla become a real car manufacturer which proabaly has some benefits.. Hell, considering they sell electric cars, I'll bet they're in line for a bunch of fat government checks now that they're an official manufacturer.

Selling it as a kit car was never an option for Tesla. They had to prove that the electric car was viable for production, meets all government standards, and went through a full product development and testing cycle. They're not on sale yet. They have been delayed due to transmission durability problems.


On March 17th they start building one car per week, eventually ramping up to 40 cars per week. There are only 100 being made the first model year.

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jay leno has had one for a bit now

No, he got to drive the prototype and has an order for one, but they haven't even made their first production car yet. The handful that have been built so far were only for testing purposes.

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They sound cool when they are driving in my opinion. (no v8 sound but the sound they do make I think is cool) Again performance and no gas sound cool to me. I just wish the price could be cut in half and maybe I could swing one. Oh well, I can't afford a Ferrari either, except an old 308 or something but my car now would kill a 308. So meh. I really like what I have. Maybe in the future. If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle......
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