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Movie: Shoot 'Em Up


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Another quick movie review from yours truly. Some didn't agree with my last one, but I don't care. If I did, I wouldn't be on CR now would I? :D


So this movie. It's everything an action movie should be. Light on plot, heavy on the guns. It's like the writer said "What if we do THIS?" and anyone who said "No, that's over the top" was immediately fired.... from a canon... into orbit... It's so over the top it's just a great ride from beginning to end.


Soundtrack rocks too.


And you'll NEVER look at a carrot the same way again.

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This movie is horrible - And I've had this discussion on 3 different forums.


My roommates and I couldn't even make it through it. It's stupid as hell. How many people does he kill with a carrot? A fight scene while he's carrying a baby?


Maybe I like an ounce of realism in my action movies: Rambo, for example

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Maybe I like an ounce of realism in my action movies: Rambo, for example

Ouce, or gram? :p


I did use the phrase "over the top" twice. If you have trouble suspending your disbelief, then this movie definately not for you.


I view movies as entertainment. If I see a movie and I'm entertained, then it's an ok movie. If it surprises me, then it's a good movie. It seems like people go to the movies nowadays expecting a life-chaning experience, or Mona-Lisa in motion.


Granted, there are movies out there that will make you question your beliefs, or see the world in a new way. But this movie isn't one of them. Shoot 'Em Up is pure visceral Entertainment. And I enjoyed it. :)

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