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Any AT&T phone users here?


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Tell me everything about AT&T.

Im thinking of switching from Verizon to AT&T. Verizon in my work area fucking BLOWS and is REALLY starting to piss me off. Ok well it was pissing me off a year ago when I got it, but Im now finally had enough of the signal drops while texting. :mad:

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John I've had AT&T for a year now and the coverage has been great and I do like the roll over minutes. They've saved me on a few occasions. My work just gave me a nextel phone so I may be ditching my AT&T service at the end of my contract so that the wife can call me free (Sprint has free sprint-to-sprint calling). I've heard nothing but bad things about Sprint and their F-ups on the billing side but moving her over and ditching my service will save us 50 bucks a month so its hard to no consider.
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I switched to att about 9 months ago, had been a sprint customer for probably 7ish years. I've been very pleased with the service and coverage. 3G data is pretty sweet, and if you are clever like me, you manage to get an unlimited data plan on a blackjack for $20/mo instead of the $40/mo that they try to charge...


All in all, I think att has by far the best phones (BJII, many different blackberry's, and of course the gayphone... err... iphone :) ). Their coverage is excellent, and their plans are reasonable.

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HA HA!!! Tmobile FTW! Never any issues, cheapest plans, comparable coverage.


Compared to AT&T, it's horrible.. I switched from Tmobile.


I haven't had any dropped calls, I haven't found a spot where I don't have service.. even all the way to Colorado traveling through Kansas where there is absolutely NOTHING, Customer services have been on point and very helpful with any questions I had, so far it's the best service I've had so far.

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I dislike AT&T very much. I drop calls all the time, people tell me it sounds like I'm underwater when I talk to them. I also pay close to $110 a month, 1400 minutes, unlimited text/intarweb, which pricing verizon, I can save a few bucks a month.


That sounds like a phone problem. Sounding like you're "underwater" would have nothing to do with the network.

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Can anyone tell me where the fuck an AT&T store is? Verizon stores are like McDonalds and Chase Bank, I could trip and fall into one.


There is on in grove city in front of the new target store, theres is one in tuttle mall, and there is one in the georgesville square center.


THREADJACK!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone have an extra AT&T phone laying around?? I lost my razr phone and dont want to pay 100+ or get into another contract. It can be a basic @ss nokia for all I care, it just needs to accept my sim card and hold a charge.

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There is on in grove city in front of the new target store, theres is one in tuttle mall, and there is one in the georgesville square center.


THREADJACK!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone have an extra AT&T phone laying around?? I lost my razr phone and dont want to pay 100+ or get into another contract. It can be a basic @ss nokia for all I care, it just needs to accept my sim card and hold a charge.

I'm getting rid of my shitty RAZR that's for sure, so you can have mine if you want. AT&T has no stores anywhere near polaris, or Delaware like Verizon does. But where I live there are numerous dead spots with AT&T and not to mention, when I go to drill out in Tarlton by Lancaster, again barely a bar of signal strength. Damn thing didn't even work at Fort Knox when I was there, but every Verizon phone was full coverage. This is my problem with AT&T.

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