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Skybus for the win!


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Got airfare to/from Boston for the soon-to-be-misses and I for our honeymoon for $73, includes all taxes and fees. We'll have a lot more money to spend ON the honeymoon now, instead of just GETTING to the honeymoon! Thank you Skybus!


Anyone else lock in some great $10 fares this morning? :nod:

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My friend flew them from Florida to come home, they delayed their flight until 2:30am and a lady got drunk, "trashed". The pilot asked everyone to prepare for landing. This lady takes out her cell phone, and makes a call! She is talking very loudly, saying "yeah we just LANDED! We are taxiing to the gate." All the while they were still in the air. A stewardess came over and took her phone from her, that was just the beginning. In short there were words, and a struggle. They arrested her at the gate at like 5am, she cussed everyone out on the plane as she was hauled away. One of the funniest stories I have heard from a friend. This is the cliff notes version. BTW my friend said he would never fly them again.
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Funny story! Though I've had worse experiences on airlines that cost 100 times as much. :eek: I know it's a risk with Skybus, especially as they don't have the established "oops we fucked up" network of other airlines. But it's a risk worth managing - regular airfare would have cost us $800.


The way I see it, they have had some issues as all airlines do and will, but they're probably still well near 100% flight completion and well into the 90's for on-time arrivals. That's good enough to manage the risk. Now, come the honeymoon, maybe I’ll be singing a different tune if something happens and we’re shelling out $2000 for airfare. But that’s the game, isn’t it? :)

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My friend has worked for them for the last 8 months. She said they are suprisingly better off than people think. They just bought a few new planes and plan on opening more direct flights this year. Noe that I think of it I need to make good on those free flights she promised me (I'm going to save $20 lol!)
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My parents just used Skybus to visit my sister in DC a few months ago. I thought I remember them saying that they overbook and you have to get there early to make sure you have a seat?.. Regardless everything worked out great and they were very happy with everything.
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7 of us are going to Maine again in June and I paid for 5 of us this morning. $182 round-trip for 5 people. F'g crazy.


5 people couldn't DRIVE to Maine that cheap!! Skybus is the shit! Now you have more money for a few extra lobster. ummmmmmmmmmmm!!

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I didnt like them at all. I went on them during the time of there "technical difficulties." It just didnt seem as reliable as southwest or even delta. We got off and they were working on the engine. Didnt make me seem real satisfied with the flight. Food also very expensive and the flight attendants are rude.
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They are in the business of providing the utility at the basic level. You get on a plane in CMH and get off in FLL. The quality of service isn't very high but the end result is you are now in FLL.


If this is what you are looking for, they are the airline for you. They fly at strange times, they operate out of secondary airports but their name says it all.


The low fares thing cannot last, the rising fuel costs, their cost of operations is going up (they have to have a phone center), I would say jump on it sooner rather than later. And, buy some of the crap on the plane, figure it into your total fare cost. If you like their business model and the service you are getting from them you need to support them cuz the end will come soon.

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i read an article in the free paper they have at chipotle. it didnt look too good. their basic stance is "if something happens, tough shit. you paid 10$, what did you expect", if your flight is cancelled, YOU are responsible for rebooking, etc etc


but for 10$, id do it too!

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My GF and I flew to Ft. Lauderdale for around 52 bucks down and like 80 bucks back, keeping in mind we didnt find out till bout a 2 weeks before we could both get a week off. Of all the other places I checked it was the best. Flight down left on time, 2 hours 10 min and on the ground and rolling. Flight back was delayed 2 and 1/2 hours due to weather on an incoming flight, annoying yes but for 135 bucks we flew round trip. I would definatly bring your own snacks and drinks if possible, but I expected as much. They get you from point A to B, nothing more, I expected nothing more. We shared a soda on the way down and I snaked dunkin donuts on for the trip back. All and all I give it a thumbs up, I couldnt have even considered driving for that price.
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My friend flew them from Florida to come home, they delayed their flight until 2:30am and a lady got drunk, "trashed". The pilot asked everyone to prepare for landing. This lady takes out her cell phone, and makes a call! She is talking very loudly, saying "yeah we just LANDED! We are taxiing to the gate." All the while they were still in the air. A stewardess came over and took her phone from her, that was just the beginning. In short there were words, and a struggle. They arrested her at the gate at like 5am, she cussed everyone out on the plane as she was hauled away. One of the funniest stories I have heard from a friend. This is the cliff notes version. BTW my friend said he would never fly them again.


all airlines have delays.

we were delayed at midway for 8 hrs with the boys no less coming back from Chicago flying southwest. people on our flight were impressed on how well the boys were and on how relaxed we were ( we hid our fustration very well).

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I work at Port Columbus.


I have heard nothing but bad things about skybus.... you do have to be there 2hrs before your flight, if they cancel your flight, you are just shit out of luck dont get your airfare back, they dont offer a skycap service (checking your bags in outside at departures, like american, southwest, northwest, delta etc) a bunch of other bs, but since I work there I get really really good prices through all major airlines


but when you guys get back let me know how your flight is..


oh btw the flight attendants are pretty cute, I ride with atleast 2-3 a day on the employee shuttle

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LOL! To wrap up this thread in a few words...


They suck, but their rates dont!


They make it cheap by eliminating the perks, so its kinda senseless to complain about it. If they had the things the other major airlines have they would be called "skylimousine" not skybus.

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My mother just flew out here with them 2 weeks ago, out of Oakland. I paid $61 round trip. Couldn't beat that. :) She said the flight and everything else was fine. Snacks were expensive, but she just didn't buy any. You also have to pay $5 for your luggage, per bag, each way. Still, if you get some very cheap tickets, you can't beat that deal, no matter how bad the service is or rude the attendants are. Sucks about their west coast flights being cancelled. I'm just glad I got my mother out here for $61 when I did... :nod:
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