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Dick Masheter ford

Black ITR Guy

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I have a good rant against this dealer. Me and my girl friend have been searching for a new car for her. She has been looking for about two weeks and now has her heart set on either an acura mdx or a lexus rx 300.


On sunday she found the car she has been searching for, lexus perfect color interior is exactly what she wants and every option she wanted. She calls the dealer on monday morning and everyone is busy so she leaves a message to get a little info and to see if we could test drive it, seeing that they were open till eight. After waiting all day with no return phone call she calls again and finally got through to someone and they said for us to come down and they would have it ready. At this point i was not so happy with the no return call but im not holding it against them.


So i bust ass the rest of the day at work and get off about a half hour late. We finally get there and its about a half hour before they close, but the car is out front and ready as promised so im pleased. The car looks great, very well detailed inside and out again im pleased. The salesman comes out and is very nice, he shows me over the whole car and looks over the one we are wanting to trade. He gets the keys and offers us to take it for a test drive we accept because at this point she is in love with it and with good reason. The car is perfect everything she wanted like i said before. During the test drive we talk a little numbers and tell him what she can spend and talk about the trade-in. The salesman if very upbeat and he can crunch some numbers but depending on the loan he is sure he can make it happen. When we are getting ready to leave he tells her he is gonna try to get everything in line and let her know by tomorrow morning either way.


The next day she is pretty happy, especially when he calls and tells her the talked to the credit union and for sure its gonna happen. He did tell her that if she got a co-signer it would help her apr but she didnt need it. And he also let her know that he would be taking the day off on wed. but he could have the paper work ready and all she would have to do is sign the papers and take her new baby home. By this time she is stoked the perfect car for the perfect price and everything.


Wed. she calls his cell like he told her to do when she was certain she could make it to pick it up he was to call the dealership and to have them start the paper work so we just could sign the dotted lines and leave. From the time she got off the phone with him it was about noon till about three she tried to call the dealership and ask for the other salesman that was supposed to pull through and take care of finalizing the sale and see if they would be finished so we didnt make a long ass drive for nothing. She left three messages and got no call or nothing, finally she stops taking no for an answer and says she will hold till he can talk. The secretary asks what car she is interested in so she can let him know and girlfriend says the lexus. The secretary having to be the bearer of bad news responds sadly that that car just pulled off the lot and that was the reason the salesman never returned the calls. The salesman sold it out from under us when he was supposed to be finishing out papers. When he finally came to the phone she was needless to say utterly pissed, and all this guy could say was i dont know what to tell you. He went on to explane that the guy that bought it came in with cash and he hadnt got to check for her loan which was a lie the loan was taken care of and all he had to do was draw up the papers. So now she is completely back at square one when we thought we were at the finish line.


So needless to say im NOT RECOMMENDING this dealership at all.

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thats how sales are man. if you can get a deal right now take it. because the saleman works on commision and im sure he couldnt risk his paycheck waiting on you and your girlfriend to make up your mind. i cant tell you how many people say their coming to buy this car and never show. or sitting down at my desk i get to the customer's exact number where he/she said they would buy the car then back out.


sorry about you luck. but if it were me i would of done the same thing. im not going to wait around on people. i have a family and a mortage and i WILL pay my bills.

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thats how sales are man. if you can get a deal right now take it. because the saleman works on commision and im sure he couldnt risk his paycheck waiting on you and your girlfriend to make up your mind. i cant tell you how many people say their coming to buy this car and never show. or sitting down at my desk i get to the customer's exact number where he/she said they would buy the car then back out.


sorry about you luck. but if it were me i would of done the same thing. im not going to wait around on people. i have a family and a mortage and i WILL pay my bills.



i understand totally but we told him the night of the test drive we wanted it. the only reason we didnt sign papers that night was the salesman that we were dealing with at the time stayed late to let us take it out and there was no way to get a loan at 830 at night. the other salesman was the one who sold it. the second salesman pretty much stole the sale from the first, we were just colateral damage i guess. all the second salesman was to do was get the papers ready to finish the sale for the guy that had the day off.

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Definately sucks. John's right, that's sales, but you got caught in the middle of a major F-U between two workers with one salesman selling a car that another had a hold on.


The biggest issue for you to remember if you're sure you're going to buy a car in the future is to put a deposit on it. If you had $500-$1000 sitting there to say you're coming back that wouldn't have happened.


I can tell you exactly what happened that day. Salesman-2 (the guy who sold the car away from you) had someone come in who was interested in buying that car. He knew he could turn the deal that day and put the money in his pocket, so screw the other salesman. He wasn't going to get paid on your deal anyway. I guarantee he went to his manager and told him to sell the car becuase your salesman was holding it and didn't even have any money down on it. Your approval for a loan doesn't hold water there, trust me, it's worth jack to a salesman if you're not standing there. The manager did the same thing anyone in that business would have....took the money while they could. Your salesman, and your car deal both got f'd. What the other salesman did was morally wrong since he knowingly screwed his co-worker, but that's the way the car business works anyway.

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I didnt read the everyones reply but...


If one salesman can sell a car before another one does, hes going to.

As for a loan approval, one salesman isnt going to know about the others approvals.

Thats the way dealerships are.


Its the the dealerships fault its the salesman. If he really wanted to sell that car he would have been in there for part of his day off.

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something isn't right with the deal then as it doesn't matter what time it is...you're loan isn't necessary approved when you leave. 8:30pm or not, you would have driven away with the car if it was my dealership selling it to you. We never let a buyer walk....they ALL drove away. Rarely did we have to get the car back. someone dropped the ball, but in the end, that type of thing happens.


if the car isn't titled, it's for sale. integrity plays into it, but more often than not dealers get screwed if they hold cars in situations like this. you just happen to be on the other end.


i understand totally but we told him the night of the test drive we wanted it. the only reason we didnt sign papers that night was the salesman that we were dealing with at the time stayed late to let us take it out and there was no way to get a loan at 830 at night. the other salesman was the one who sold it. the second salesman pretty much stole the sale from the first, we were just colateral damage i guess. all the second salesman was to do was get the papers ready to finish the sale for the guy that had the day off.
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if they wanted to sell the car, they should have rolled the unit...they don't have to nor do they get approvals on the spot.


Its the the dealerships fault its the salesman. If he really wanted to sell that car he would have been in there for part of his day off.

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You should always have financing lined up BEFORE looking for a car anyway. But still what they did was rather messed up.



This is not easy to do. I went this route and they wanted the VIN # of the car as well as make model and yr. I will say threaten to get your own financing - dealer can and will beat it. I work at Chase so I had a 6.19% 60 month loan on an 05 car. I got 5.75% from the dealer - and made them eat the $250 "doc charge" they tried to stuff me with at the table.

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I have a good rant against this dealer. Me and my girl friend have been searching for a new car for her. She has been looking for about two weeks and now has her heart set on either an acura mdx or a lexus rx 300.


On sunday she found the car she has been searching for, lexus perfect color interior is exactly what she wants and every option she wanted. She calls the dealer on monday morning and everyone is busy so she leaves a message to get a little info and to see if we could test drive it, seeing that they were open till eight. After waiting all day with no return phone call she calls again and finally got through to someone and they said for us to come down and they would have it ready. At this point i was not so happy with the no return call but im not holding it against them.


So i bust ass the rest of the day at work and get off about a half hour late. We finally get there and its about a half hour before they close, but the car is out front and ready as promised so im pleased. The car looks great, very well detailed inside and out again im pleased. The salesman comes out and is very nice, he shows me over the whole car and looks over the one we are wanting to trade. He gets the keys and offers us to take it for a test drive we accept because at this point she is in love with it and with good reason. The car is perfect everything she wanted like i said before. During the test drive we talk a little numbers and tell him what she can spend and talk about the trade-in. The salesman if very upbeat and he can crunch some numbers but depending on the loan he is sure he can make it happen. When we are getting ready to leave he tells her he is gonna try to get everything in line and let her know by tomorrow morning either way.


The next day she is pretty happy, especially when he calls and tells her the talked to the credit union and for sure its gonna happen. He did tell her that if she got a co-signer it would help her apr but she didnt need it. And he also let her know that he would be taking the day off on wed. but he could have the paper work ready and all she would have to do is sign the papers and take her new baby home. By this time she is stoked the perfect car for the perfect price and everything.


Wed. she calls his cell like he told her to do when she was certain she could make it to pick it up he was to call the dealership and to have them start the paper work so we just could sign the dotted lines and leave. From the time she got off the phone with him it was about noon till about three she tried to call the dealership and ask for the other salesman that was supposed to pull through and take care of finalizing the sale and see if they would be finished so we didnt make a long ass drive for nothing. She left three messages and got no call or nothing, finally she stops taking no for an answer and says she will hold till he can talk. The secretary asks what car she is interested in so she can let him know and girlfriend says the lexus. The secretary having to be the bearer of bad news responds sadly that that car just pulled off the lot and that was the reason the salesman never returned the calls. The salesman sold it out from under us when he was supposed to be finishing out papers. When he finally came to the phone she was needless to say utterly pissed, and all this guy could say was i dont know what to tell you. He went on to explane that the guy that bought it came in with cash and he hadnt got to check for her loan which was a lie the loan was taken care of and all he had to do was draw up the papers. So now she is completely back at square one when we thought we were at the finish line.


So needless to say im NOT RECOMMENDING this dealership at all.

if you would have left a deposit you could have sued them.if you got to leave a down payment even $50.00 will do.

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