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College (Financial Aid/Grants) Questions


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To be honest college is very foreign to me. Have not been there (as evident from my horrible grammar and spelling) and my wife is wanting to go to school to get a better education.

How do grants and financial aid work. For example i looked up Pell grant and a few others and dont quite understand how the process works.


I try to be the backbone for my wife but college and all this grant and financial aid stuff intimidates me a lil bit. I dont want her to be frustrated of the process on recieving information and help with these things.


Can anyone give me some advice on what to look for and what to do.


Thanks in advance Andy

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Has she filled out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form? Pell Grants and some college grants are given based off of this. This is the website, http://www.fafsa.ed.gov. Has you talked to anyone at the Financial Aide office of the school she wants to go to? That is a good place to start.
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To be honest college is very foreign to me. Have not been there (as evident from my horrible grammar and spelling) and my wife is wanting to go to school to get a better education.




Good for you taking that step. Good luck!

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Has she filled out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form? Pell Grants and some college grants are given based off of this. This is the website, http://www.fafsa.ed.gov. Has you talked to anyone at the Financial Aide office of the school she wants to go to? That is a good place to start.



I just printed out those papers a little bit ago. I think im gonna take her over to COTC (its about half mile from my house) Stop in and get some course information as well as talk with the financial aid people.


Anymore information that people might be able to give me is great i am sure there are more then just a couple grants out there i wanna see what all options are out there.

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