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BLOW energy drink


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is it a parenting problem? NOOOOOO FUCK NOOOOO!!!!! its a marketing problem.


i mean seriously i hate when people try and blame their lack of parenting skills on the media. If you dont want your kids snortin cocaine, dont let your kids snort cocaine. its not the media's job to babysit your kids.

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Wow.. That's just stupid. They're going to sell a ton of it at first, but they'll either get told to stop selling it, or the novelty will wear off. A "Flash in the pan" product.


Caffeine addicts say otherwise. Jolt cola still exists.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Melanie
A girl i go to school with works with them or something and told me about it. She says i does the trick really well. Great for all nighters of homework. Or whatever...
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