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Just booked my trip to Vegas for a night, then to Hawai for 7 days, and then back to Vegas for 2 nights. Come on June. Things have been so stressful with work and school, I need to go somewhere. This should makes things all better. For those who have been to Hawai what are the things I should do?
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Just booked my trip to Vegas for a night, then to Hawai for 7 days, and then back to Vegas for 2 nights. Come on June. Things have been so stressful with work and school, I need to go somewhere. This should makes things all better. For those who have been to Hawai what are the things I should do?


We're in the process of booking our honeymoon in New England in June. I hear you! :)

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My g/f and I booked our cruise last week...5 nights, from the 3rd to the 8th of March. Last minute deal = damn good deal. :D


We decided to drive down (ship ports in Jacksonville, FL); we are leaving a few days early to hang out with a good friend of mine that has a pretty pimp place in Vero Beach. I'm bringing my slalom ski and wakeboard and taking his boat out...I've been dying to get on the water ever since it got cold. Might have to toss the wet suit on, as the water down there may be a little chilly this time of year.


I can't wait to get out of this nasty weather. Only a week and a half to go!

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I think it is Maui (sp?). I am staying in my parents condo so I havent asked about anything in particular regarding Hawai. She just asked one day if I was interested in ever going to Hawai and said hey you can just stay in our condo, so I said hell yeah.


And Dr. Zo6, you and I had a previous conversation awhile back regarding Vegas. I was never able to go at that time due to things coming up but I will be keeping all of it in mind. My parents have recently been granted high roller status at 4 different hotel/casino and from what I was told one included the palms, my stepfather said he would put me in the penthouse suite at the Palms if I met him in Vegas on my way back through. He goes like 4 times a year and has never lost since he has been going.


So far I have $447 invested in this trip and that is for airfare to vegas and back for two people. Tickets for Hawai were givin to me as a christmas gift and rooms in vegas and Hawai were givin to me as a just because Im a great son I guess. Needless to say I dont have anything to complain about.

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I went to Maui a few years back. I stayed at the Hyatt resort on the Ka'anapali beach (West coast). It is pretty much manditory that you have a car of some sort as everything is pretty spread out, but the driving is amazing.


The north shore is where the Huge waves break and the crazy wind surfers go 30 feet into the air. Visiting it is a must. The road to Hana is required assuming you are not traveling solo. You should do at least one Luau... I did the Marriott one on account of the open bar.


Maui is a very relaxed slow paced place so dont expect a vibrant night life. If you can you really should take a girl with you.

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A girl is going, shes already been to Hawai once. I am also renting a jeep for the time I am down there. Surfing lessons and scuba diving were big on my list of things I would like to do. I have heard mixed feeling however about diving. Also my brother is going with me so we would like to have one night of partying, are you able to find any of this?
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I didnt really look for the night life, I was there with my GF of the time... we had spent the first part of the week on Oahu on which there is plenty to do at night.


If you can, you should meet some locals and get in on a late night beach party. Or make your own.



I just googled it and it says one of the 2 best late night spots is actually in the Hyatt... It must not have been opened yet when I was there.

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