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dog woes


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I have a 100lb black lab, have had him since 98. He's a good dog, but he will eat damn near anything.


Well, as fate would have it we had some seeds set out for this coming year and he ate them. It seems he is going to either be very sick for the next week and live, or it will kill him. He spent the night throwing up and the vet says it is touch and go.


I guess I am bringing this up just to say, if you have a dog and you like it, watch out for what gets left out.

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Also, stay away from the 24 hour emergency vet place over off of Renner in Hilliard. They wanted $1150 to observe him overnight.


I watched him for free. My vet said they would watch him for the next 3-5 days at $100/night.

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had a friend in high school that had a black lab, he ate a 20lb bag of bird seed....looked like he swallowed a damn basketball, he was pretty sick for about a week, the vet had them feed the dog alcohol to break down the seeds and eventually make the dog puke it up.


this same dog has eaten drywall, 10lbs of potting soil, a 12pack of tube socks, gallon of antifreeze or some sort of washer fluid cant remember...some other rather hilarious stuff...ended up being put down last year from old age, so i dunno yours just might be ok.

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That's horrible. Sorry to hear. :(


I have an 11mo old black lab/great pyrenese mix, and she looks like a black lab. Doesnt seem to be much of an eater luckily, and so far (not as bad as other dogs I've had).


Keep us posted! Good luck. You have a pic?

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WOW. I hope your pup pulls through. We are pretty careful about plants and what not. Castor produced a nice foliage and flower, but the seeds that then drop can be toxic and since our dogs do forage outside for all kinds of stuff, we avoid toxic plants / plant products.
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Our lab eats everything. You name it and he has eaten it. He has eaten a few socks some underwear, a few light bulbs and he love vegetables. Our vet said if you have a lab you have to watch out, they will eat anything, hope yours pulls through.
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Also, stay away from the 24 hour emergency vet place over off of Renner in Hilliard. They wanted $1150 to observe him overnight.


I watched him for free. My vet said they would watch him for the next 3-5 days at $100/night.


I am sorry that your dog is sick. :(

I have had nothing but excellent care from them. They are specialist, not regular vets.

Emergency care, no matter human or adult is very expensive.

It sucks that its like that.

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had a friend in high school that had a black lab, he ate a 20lb bag of bird seed....looked like he swallowed a damn basketball, he was pretty sick for about a week, the vet had them feed the dog alcohol to break down the seeds and eventually make the dog puke it up.


this same dog has eaten drywall, 10lbs of potting soil, a 12pack of tube socks, gallon of antifreeze or some sort of washer fluid cant remember...some other rather hilarious stuff...ended up being put down last year from old age, so i dunno yours just might be ok.


Probalbly not antifreeze, the dog wouldn't have survived. That stuff's extemely nasty on animals. I had a cat drink some, it slowly ate his liver until he died. His liver was literally gone.


Hopefully he's ok man. Lab's are very beautiful dogs.

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I hope the pup pulls through. I am leaning towards that it will pull through. You gotta think these animals are made to eat whatever they can to survive out in the wilderness. They have tough stomachs. Hope he makes out ok..


If given a choice, my dog would continuously eat his own poop until he died of malnutrition. Modern, domesticated dogs are *nothing* like wild animals capable of making it on their own. Observing a dog's bad eating habits for about 1 hour bears this out quite clearly.

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My G/F works at MedVet. She sees a lot of cases where dogs eat things and get sick. They actually pump peroxide in their stomach to make them throw up. I thought that would kill them but I guess it works. I hope your dog is doing better.
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if you ever need to make your dog puke, put some peroxide in a turkey baster and squirt it into their stomach (do this outside)


The thing that kills me about emergency vets is if you call with a problem, no matter the problem, they want you to come in (bring me some money).


With a little understanding of basic emergency procedures, you don't always have to come in. If you cut yourself, you can fix it at home.


They charged a guy $400 because he cut his dog's toenail too short and it was bleeding. he could have patched it up at home for alot less. They offer no suggestions over the phone, just bring him in.

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