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Custody battles/Attorny rant

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FUCKING TOTAL BULLSHIT $10,000 dollars for what. driving to delaware($450 a pop), sitting in court and not doing shit and every motion he has made has got shut down or out or ste to the side or trumped by here attorny($400 a hour, many hours spent there). Leaving a message with the secretary($80 a hour). talking to whoever involved in the case on the phone including me($300 a hour).this has been going on since july 2nd of last year.

i have been paying all the medical bills (delaware atleast paid for the MMPI). not getting any support money from her. and driving him to the supervised visits in delaware with his mother.they give her supervised visits thru his grandmother(her mom) and have broken the rules several times and nothing!

ANd come to find out they are dropping the charges against his mom now and it will go into a custody battle from here, and it will be up to the judge to see if he stays with me or goes back to his mom! i mean i already dont trust delaware county asis, but this is total bullshit. they are dropping the charges on her because there is not enought evidence against her at this point. I mean hello, she fucking burned him, and even if she didnt(he say's she did it) how the hell did he go home for the weekend with her and come back with a burn on his arm? then she sits in court crying, saying that i did it. i mean i am starting to get a little pissed off here! what the fuck do i do.he doesn't want to go back to her, the people from delaware dont want him to go back to her, the doctors(dr tennenbaum, and dr dan davis) all dont want to see him go back to her.but its up to the judge to decide? and im the one payying for it, and alll her attorny has done has tryed to make me look bad!












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I keep telling my wife she way, way under charges. Time wise, though, he's not out of line for charging. As a client, you're billed for everything. She always informs clients that emails, messages and calls are billable and it's outlined in her fee agreement. Drive time is also billed.


FUCKING TOTAL BULLSHIT $10,000 dollars for what. driving to delaware($450 a pop), sitting in court and not doing shit and every motion he has made has got shut down or out or ste to the side or trumped by here attorny($400 a hour, many hours spent there). Leaving a message with the secretary($80 a hour). talking to whoever involved in the case on the phone including me($300 a hour).this has been going on since july 2nd of last year.

i have been paying all the medical bills (delaware atleast paid for the MMPI). not getting any support money from her. and driving him to the supervised visits in delaware with his mother.they give her supervised visits thru his grandmother(her mom) and have broken the rules several times and nothing!

ANd come to find out they are dropping the charges against his mom now and it will go into a custody battle from here, and it will be up to the judge to see if he stays with me or goes back to his mom! i mean i already dont trust delaware county asis, but this is total bullshit. they are dropping the charges on her because there is not enought evidence against her at this point. I mean hello, she fucking burned him, and even if she didnt(he say's she did it) how the hell did he go home for the weekend with her and come back with a burn on his arm? then she sits in court crying, saying that i did it. i mean i am starting to get a little pissed off here! what the fuck do i do.he doesn't want to go back to her, the people from delaware dont want him to go back to her, the doctors(dr tennenbaum, and dr dan davis) all dont want to see him go back to her.but its up to the judge to decide? and im the one payying for it, and alll her attorny has done has tryed to make me look bad!












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I AM the luckiest man alive and I know that. When I went through my custody deal Tom Lipp in Lancaster was recommended as a fighter and a lawyer that just would not give up. He is as nasty as they come but gets the job done! Price for everything over a period of a year was under 10g's. I HIGHLY recommend him if you live in Fairfield county.

I got to keep my sharred custody of my son (he lived with me), received increased child support and added to her deal 1/2 of the house taxes and 1/2 of all repairs that she was never responsible for prior to taking me to court.

I might also add that the case was heard in Fairfield county. Her big shot $2000 suit lawyers were from Franklin county while Tom's office is across the street from the Lancaster courthouse... I think that had ALOT to do with the outcome.

I'm NOT saying Tom was a pleasure to work with as he treated me the same as he did them... I always thought that was kinda strange but I love the results.

Good luck pal. Hug the kid every day.


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I can't believe I just read that. You must have been lucky, or the people going against you got homered. Everyone I know makes fun of Tom Lipp. He's fucking annoying as shit. Maybe that translates to him working hard for you. Sorta like a one-track, retarded bulldog. But seriously....



It's probably not appropriate for me to tell stories....


One question: Did you ever receive a correspondence from Tom Lipp? Did he use a '.' (period) in the entire letter? Ever? I've got one letter from him that is 2 pages long. Long paragraphs, single spacing. Size 8 font and not a single period in the entire fucking document.



#1. Don't send me a single-spaced letter with size 8 font

#2. USE A FUCKING PERIOD, not 800 commas



Tom Lipp? No.


Raina Cornell? Yes. (she's next door to Lipp in Fairfield County)



It's most likely that you just had a good case. An easy 'win' or the judge liked one particular point or something. It's amazing how court cases can come down to really small points. The testimony of one witness, how the parties act in the courtroom.....the in camera interview that the judge does with the child (and asks him what he prefers to do) - etc



Back in a bit, I need to call some people and listen to them laugh about the 'raving review' of Tom Lipp. They'll get a kick out of it

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Its hearing situation's like this that make me want to NEVER have a kid. It always seem's the whole system is setup to go against the man no matter what.


I feel for you man, and I cant imagine having to pay 10g's on something but I guess if your spending it on the welfare of your son then it's definitly worth it.

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we was never married. i spent 16 grand in fighting over custody over a 2 year period.she kept not lettting me see him. and so on. it always seems they are on the mothers side. in chicago there have a thing called the fathershaverights or something like that. just not sure what to do. i have enrolled in my companys legal program as of this month.his prices seem to be double most all others.
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