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Returning to the homeland....Game Works?


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Game on! Go big or go home. I'll put a tall one in me just to even the playing field. I'm reigning champion so far, owned all those @ Dave and Busters. :cool:


Is that so? Well I just happen to be the undefeated champ at Gameworks. Looks like the clash of champions is about to go down, much like yourself :)

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lol no i didnt go, i found out there was a check point off the free way from my house. i didn't want to mess with that... not on st pattys weekend.


sorry guys... maybe again soon. i sense the weather will be breaking!!

Excuses excuses. Most of the fucking games were broke though, so no Ferraro F355 challange battle. Other than that, the beer was good :)

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The beer was fucking expensive! Fuck that place.


I look at my online account. Gameworks charged me $50 bucks for $27 worth of stuff. WTF? I called up the place this morning and the guy said "oh, don't worry, it's just a pre-credit check some shit or whatever". I guess I'll get the other 23 in a day or so? I didn't know companies could actually do that.

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