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I hate life...

Guest Hal

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Here are some reasons I hate my life right now...


My brother stole my $90,000 early inheritance through mine and my grandma's trust. I was going to assume his mortgage putting the $90k on the principal, him refinancing, and then doing the assumption with a quit claim. My grandma wrote the check to him with my blessing. He then lied, made fraudulent documents, and generally just fucked me out of my money. Now, because I let her write the check to him, I have almost no legal standing. The standing I do have I can't use because it would kill my grandma to do anything with this. Not that it even matters, the money is gone, he spent it and is now close to bankruptcy.


I lost my house because we found out he lied about everything. For example, the house has a 10.5% interest rate instead of the 6.5% he told us and that is just the beginning. So, now, my house will be going away sometime relatively soon because my brother stabbed me in the back. We did everything we could to try to keep it, but, things are just too fucked.


Losing my house I'll obviously lose my garage. My car is apart and I have nowhere to store it without the garage. I can't afford to pay for storage right now either. I also have nowhere to put my tool boxes, service cart, welder, hoist, etc...


With the equity I had I was going to get a nice loan and pay off debts, take care of things, and pay for my wedding.


Speaking of weddings, I don't know if I'll have one now. My fiancée and I have been together 5 years on the 30th this month. Well last night I found out she needs some "time to make sure this is right" and she's not sure if she "just loves me, or is in love" with me. Go fuck yourself if you want to talk about age, I have no reply for you other than that. I had no idea how much it could hurt to hear her say those things.


All of this comes after two hard years with my family. My rapid cycling bipolar dad spent all my family's money and tried to divorce my mom after cheating on her in a manic phase. He finally stopped all that, but, now they have no money and he's not quite right (never will be). During the last year we found out he had heart attacks, bipolar disorder, a stroke, and Parkinson's disease.


Now to top it all off, he is going to get fired because he can no longer be an administrator with his mental disabilities. After 27 years with a certain college my grandpa was the president of, and he is getting kicked out the door. Fun legal battle I'm sure will come.


I'm sure I've forgotten more, and I know I left a lot out on purpose, but, this is a look at why things suck. I can elaborate on some of this, but some I cannot/will not. I really fucking hate my life right now, I can't seem to catch a break.


PS. Keep the stupid "fucking lotus" out of here. I'm not the only one that thinks that's fucking retarded.

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how come your brother was soo quick on stabbing you in the back w/ the inheritance money? I dunno about your situation with ur family when it comes to loyalty but in my family all of us are close and nothing including money could make us turn on eachother. That makes me sad thinking about what he did to ya bro. care to elaborate more on that?
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Hal I can understand where you are coming from on so many levels. I could apologize and empathize but we both know words are not going to do a alot for changing what was/is happening in your life right now. There's a spot in my garage next to the TA if you need it (hopefully that wont cause the world to spontaniously combust). If you do want to talk just let me know...
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Wow man that sucks big time but it seems life always shits on you all at once.


I dont know you at all or you know me but i have an open spot in my garage as well. Plenty of room for the tools and the car but the only problem is its up here in Ashland. I have no problem hauling it up here with my truck and storing it free of charge until your back on your feet.

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That sucks man Im sorry to hear about it. Normally Im the biggest proponant about staying single but I've been where you are now and there is nothing in the world that could be worse. If you two are meant to be together then things will work out for the best Im sure, goodluck. As for your bother, Karma is a bitch. Im sure he will get what he deserve's for all his deception's on his own brother. Thats horrible.


Have you thought about taking in roomates to help with the mortgage? Is there anyway to salvage or refinance the situation? Are you in an ARM? I just hate to see a good person stuck in a shitty situation and "give up" but Im sure by now you've exhausted all possabilities.


I dont have a garage for your car but if you want me to buy you a bottle of Goose to drown your sorrows in let me know. (Disclaimer:to all law enforcement officer's on the board, this is a joke, kinda)

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Holy wtf brother.

Im lost for words actually. However I do know that family members can be pieces of shit.


Never do business with family or friends.... Money brings out the worst in people.


Sorry to hear man. If you need a place to store some stuff let me know. We have a decent size garage and a huge basement.

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Never do business with family or friends.... Money brings out the worst in people.


Sorry to hear man. If you need a place to store some stuff let me know. We have a decent size garage and a huge basement.


Let me add:




With the current situation of a few CR members, I figure I best put that out there.

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Thanks for the support everyone! It's incredible to see how this place works when one of the members is in some trouble. I guess I'll have learned a lot when this all is over at least.


About my brother, there's basically nothing left to do for the house. I thought about renting it but the mortgage is so high nobody in their right mind would pay it.


PMs are cleared as well.

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You know Hal, the one all-consuming fact that I've observed in situations like these - not only in my life, but in the lives of others - is that as long as you keep a relatively positive attitude, don't give up, and concentrate on the future and not on the past and the things you can't change, you'll come out ahead.


Clearly, it's easy for everyone who's not in your shoes to preach about how things will get better. But if you believe it'll get better, it will. Good luck.

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Damn man im sorry to hear that. I know you have been going through alot more then anyone should have to. I was really hoping things with the house would turn around and work out. You know im right accross the street anytime you wanna talk or hang out just give me a call and well do somethin. Let me know if there is anything else you need or i can help with like moving your stuff or whatever it may be. Hang in there man things will get better.
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