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I've been meaning to ask about them. Whats up with that place? I've been there a few times over the years to "browse around" and they have a very odd way of pitching a sale. Can anyone on here seriously explain their tactic? Anyone ever work there and can actually tell me what is up with the guard shack that checks the car your test driving over like your trying to get in to the contractor entrance at Rickenbacher AFB?


For those who haven't been there they have a used car area which is not really accessible unless you enter their used car lobby and get mobbed by a salesman.

The next thing that happens before you get to look at any cars is that they start the purchase paperwork and get your ID for test driving and all that. Actually if they have the make, model, year range your looking for they attempt to make you feel really bad that your just looking and that you should just take it like its walmart or something.


I've never been happy in there and no one in my family has ever stayed there longer than a few minutes before leaving in frustration due to this practice.



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they told us its something to do with keeping track of how many people come in and out during the day. anybody that works there has to use the truck entrance. since i don't work at the magget mall its not that big of deal for me to go in the main gate but they said if they catch us doing it too many times the they will deduct $20 from our pay check as a fine lol.
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I've been there. I'd never buy a car from them. I know what you mean about getting mobbed. Getting in and parking is no problem, but you can't even get out of the car before you have sales people all around you. Last time I went there with an ex girlfriend to look for a Cobra for her I pretty much had to point at the office building and tell the guy to go over there and I'd find him when I wanted him for something. He finally got the hint and left us alone, but damn dude, I would never do business w/ them or recommend them for anything other than a test drive. The only reason to go there is if you are having problems finding something and just want to drive it, because they do have the inventory.
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Oh I'm sure they sell cars like anyone else. I'm just interesting in what is up with their approach to selling. They are much different than other dealers in a very negative way.


What I"m meaning about the guard shack is that when you go for a test drive they have to check in the trunk of the car wtf? Also my sister was the last person that I went there with and they demanded to look in her purse. She stood firm on that one and they didn't get to look, but they really pressed the issue. Not sure what they are looking for and I"m guessing its some type of show though I have no idea what.



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I've been there twice and never was able to secure a car deal. Amazing really. I grew up in the biz and hardly ever walked anyone that was as real as me when it comes to buying a car, but they managed to lose two sales over the past few years.


They use the basic sales approaches but with the number of cars they sell, they do have what appears to be a methodical system of profiling and getting things moving forward. However, it's just not what I want.


I can take the dance, but I want to pick the song. Honestly their greaters are just that but the closers don't know how to read a person and their buying signals. Not the individuals I've met. They scrap the bottom 10% each month I'm sure.


Oh I'm sure they sell cars like anyone else. I'm just interesting in what is up with their approach to selling. They are much different than other dealers in a very negative way.


What I"m meaning about the guard shack is that when you go for a test drive they have to check in the trunk of the car wtf? Also my sister was the last person that I went there with and they demanded to look in her purse. She stood firm on that one and they didn't get to look, but they really pressed the issue. Not sure what they are looking for and I"m guessing its some type of show though I have no idea what.



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Last time I went there with an ex girlfriend to look for a Cobra for her I pretty much had to point at the office building and tell the guy to go over there and I'd find him when I wanted him for something. .


haha, treat him like a dog eh? "go sit!" Ive only shopped at two dealers, Honda Marysville and Tansky Toyota (shopped not bought). Honda Marysville was by far the best customer service Ive ever had at any dealership. Tansky was horrible, the guy practically hounded me as soon as i got out of my car and didnt stop until i stood up and walked away. Mind you i told him i wasnt purchasing that night, simply looking but he would not stop. I told the salesman at Honda the same and he says,"ok, whenever your ready i'll be right over there. if you need keys just let me know" it was great :)

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haha, treat him like a dog eh? "go sit!" Ive only shopped at two dealers, Honda Marysville and Tansky Toyota (shopped not bought). Honda Marysville was by far the best customer service Ive ever had at any dealership. Tansky was horrible, the guy practically hounded me as soon as i got out of my car and didnt stop until i stood up and walked away. Mind you i told him i wasnt purchasing that night, simply looking but he would not stop. I told the salesman at Honda the same and he says,"ok, whenever your ready i'll be right over there. if you need keys just let me know" it was great :)


Definitely. Wish they were all like that. :) I was nice to the guy at first, but he wouldn't go away. This has happened at HH Gregg to me before also when I was looking at some entertainment center stuff and the dude kept following me around. I know he wants the sale, but it makes you not even want to be there.

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I've tested a few cars there, but no way would I ever buy one from them. Their salespeople frankly annoy me. The last time I went in, back in 2006, to test a Sentra, the sales guy WOULDN'T LET ME DRIVE THE CAR. Allow me to repeat that: HE WOULD NOT LET ME TEST DRIVE THE CAR. And after he drove me around for 15 minutes while I got increasingly annoyed, he had the nerve to try to get me to sit down and start signing!
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I've been there. I'd never buy a car from them. I know what you mean about getting mobbed. Getting in and parking is no problem, but you can't even get out of the car before you have sales people all around you. Last time I went there with an ex girlfriend to look for a Cobra for her I pretty much had to point at the office building and tell the guy to go over there and I'd find him when I wanted him for something. He finally got the hint and left us alone, but damn dude, I would never do business w/ them or recommend them for anything other than a test drive. The only reason to go there is if you are having problems finding something and just want to drive it, because they do have the inventory.


did you date a girl named melissa that had a yellow cobra when she was in HS?

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Last time I went to test drive a car, it was at McDorman. I usually like going out there, cause he'll have one or two of his collection out.

This time around, though, I was there to look specifically at a used 4.3 S-10 they had there. Well, I parked, and as soon as I walked in the door to ask about it, I got mobbed. Literally three guys headed my way, looked at each other and then got in an argument over whose turn it was to make the pitch...

So I told them to get lost and grabbed the fourth guy who had stayed put at his desk. He was apparently the only one keeping track of whose turn it was...

Truck ended up having a funny knock from the rear-end, skipped it...


I'll give my business to Dennis Pontiac more than likely. The entrance to the service and parts area is right next to the sales floor, and every time I pull in, I get complimented on the car, but they don't say a word about trading it in unless I head for the sales door, then they just politely say that if I need anything, just grab one of the associates.

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I Worked there befor joining the military and sometimes as a little extra income. Their "tactic" is to filter throught the bad credit, no credit, people and get to people who can seriously buy. and if ya cant "have a nice day", I think it is bad the way they treat people. Its all about numbers if you "up" 10 people a day (work with 10) you should sell 2 or 3 cars. No working there would I buy a car yea, but you have to check it out yourself the workers in service are a bunch of high school drop out stoners that will make a car look like its Cherry but its really a hunk of shit. Ive seen people get really good deals and ive seen people get fucked. Ex: paying $1,000 a month on a Suv that cost $35,000 for 7yrs thats $84,000 wich is a $4,000 commish for the sales bitch and the manager and almost $6,000 for the guy sitting behind the big desk. Just be careful when going there thats all.


#1 Ricart, we're Steal'n!

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