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anyone in for CCW class? next weekend?


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found theres a class sponsored by the mechanicsburg police dept. 1 day class, next saturday (4/5/08) 8am-8pm. cost is 65$, bring your gun and 100rds.


ive been slacking getting the course taken to get mine, and been focused more on messing with the gun...so im gonna get it out of the way and apply for my permit.


anyone else been slacking and want to get it knocked out? this is one of the lower cost prices ive found...seems most others are 100-200$


http://www.ohioccwtraining.org/schedule_info.html?schedule_id=2729 link for reference

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honestly, id rather have 1 long ass day, then split it up over 2-3 days. i honestly hated doing my hunters education course which IIRC, was 3 days, 4 hours each. id rather get it over with and go home tired, then have to take time out of 2-3 days.
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it's tempting. I've considered betting my CCW a few times, but I'm concerned as to whether or not I actually want it.


I truly doubt that I would actually carry that much, maybe 1 to 2 times a year, and even when you do it seems like you can't actually go anywhere with the damn thing due to the laws.


I also wonder if there are negative connotations to having it as well. I know that when you get pulled over, it will show you as a CCW permit holder, so you're already putting the officer on edge knowing that you likely have a gun in the car. I would also worry that if I used my weapon in a non-CCW circumstance (such as someone breaking into my home) that the CCW permit would be used against me saying that I had prepared myself with the mindset to use a gun.


Maybe I'm just skeptical about my name being on a govt list of CCW permit holders? Perhaps some of the officers on the board can chime in here with their thoughts/opinions/experiences? I'm sure that it makes sense for many people, but to me it seems like the negatives outweigh the positives for something that I'll barely ever use.

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it's tempting. I've considered betting my CCW a few times, but I'm concerned as to whether or not I actually want it.


I truly doubt that I would actually carry that much, maybe 1 to 2 times a year, and even when you do it seems like you can't actually go anywhere with the damn thing due to the laws.


I also wonder if there are negative connotations to having it as well. I know that when you get pulled over, it will show you as a CCW permit holder, so you're already putting the officer on edge knowing that you likely have a gun in the car. I would also worry that if I used my weapon in a non-CCW circumstance (such as someone breaking into my home) that the CCW permit would be used against me saying that I had prepared myself with the mindset to use a gun.


Maybe I'm just skeptical about my name being on a govt list of CCW permit holders? Perhaps some of the officers on the board can chime in here with their thoughts/opinions/experiences? I'm sure that it makes sense for many people, but to me it seems like the negatives outweigh the positives for something that I'll barely ever use.


Even if you never use it, get it, so atleast you're a statistic for the good guys. :D


As for getting pulled over; I've heard most folks get OUT of tickets due to havin a CCW. Reason being: You get pulled over, cop walks up, you say something to the effect of, 'Sir, I am a licenced CCW permit holder and I am carrying today. How would you like to procede?'. Right then and there, you've gotten on his good side by showing him you have nothing to hide and you're looking out for him. Cop likes you, and you have a better chance of getting off.


And a CCW permit shouldn't be used against you if you have to defend yourself. It's a legal privledge. Having a mindset to defend yourself, or your family, is nothing to be ashamed of. :cool:

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thanks for the reply Austin, and you definately make some good points.


I've always found in the past that if you're calm and polite that the vast majority of police officers will be the same. I guess my thinking was that if I were a police officer I would be a little more on edge knowing that the driver may be carrying.....although on the other side as paranoid as I am I'd probably prefer KNOWING instead of having to assume that everybody had one permit or not.

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So whats all involved with this course?


Basic how to take a part, clean, gun control, rules of engagement, laws and a test. What most don't know is...There is no pass/fail on the test. You all go over the answers after taking it and correct what you missed to improve your knowledge. Then a shoot session at a range. Get a cert, take a passport image, attach to app, take to sheriff.....Not in Franklin. Delaware had mine in 8 days.

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Whats the shoot session like?



Depends on the instructor. My guy setup targets and showed us how to draw and shoot from the hip. Tactical reloads...just a day or target shooting really. Then we had fun. He set up a target he made that was a terrorist has your wife held at gunpoint. You have to headshot the terrorist. See image below. Imagine him standing behind her with a gun to head....his body behind hers but head open telling you to do stuff. You draw weapon and bang...no time to focus or stand there telling him you're gonna blow his head off. It was cool.






A lot of guys killed their wives.!!

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Depends on the instructor. My guy setup targets and showed us how to draw and shoot from the hip. Tactical reloads...just a day or target shooting really. Then we had fun. He set up a target he made that was a terrorist has your wife held at gunpoint. You have to headshot the terrorist. See image below. Imagine him standing behind her with a gun to head....his body behind hers but head open telling you to do stuff. You draw weapon and bang...no time to focus or stand there telling him you're gonna blow his head off. It was cool.






A lot of guys killed their wives.!!


Shoot the wife, got it.


Just asking because i would like to get this taken care of this summer.

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Shoot'em both. That whore was probably sleeping with him anyways.

Exactly. If you get the right angle and have the right round you could probably do it in one shot.


3 months and I'll be getting my CCW.

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i heard the same thing about getting out of tickets. my buddy who really swayed me to do it told me he's gotten pulled over 3-4 times, and not a single ticket...he was saying he blew through a stop sign at like 20mph, cop pulled him over, told him he knew why he was being pulled over, told him he was carrying, etc etc, no ticket.


now, im not planning on using this to get out of tickets, but if it works, sweet.


and as for counties to go to, a local guy joined mp-pistol and was saying he went to franklin co and had his permit in either a day or two. it wasnt anywhere near 8-10 days. im 2 min from the licking co border, so maybe ill just go there

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With ammo prices the way they are; you'd be wise to attempt to save money by striving for the above.


Buying the Walmart 100 packs for the range is great. Either that or buying bulk online. I dont shoot the same thing at the range that I carry with.


I shoot basic target grade ammo at the range but I carry Police Issue Tactical rounds in my CC weapon.


I shoot them every once in a while just to stay fresh how they shoot as they definately shoot differently then the target ammo.

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and as for counties to go to, a local guy joined mp-pistol and was saying he went to franklin co and had his permit in either a day or two. it wasnt anywhere near 8-10 days. im 2 min from the licking co border, so maybe ill just go there


Thats a great timeframe.. The only reason I went to Delaware was because I heard they were quicker.. Based on what you just said, that may not be the case.

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