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Incest not the best...


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taken from another board i frequent




A SOUTH Australian father and daughter have revealed they are a couple, and have had a child together.

John and Jenny Deaves reunited 30 years after Mr Deaves separated from Jenny's mother.


Jenny was 31 and just two weeks after meeting, father and daughter had sex.


"John and I are in this relationship as consenting adults," Mrs Deaves told the Nine Network's 60 Minutes tonight.


"We are just asking for a little bit of respect and understanding."


Their nine-month-old daughter Celeste, shown on TV, appears fit and healthy.


Mrs Deaves said soon after reuniting with her father she began to see him as a man first and her father second.


"I was looking at him, sort of going, oh, he's not too bad," she said.


"Like you might look at a man across the bar at a nightclub."


Mrs Deaves brought two children, Samantha and Alex, into the relationship after splitting from her former partner.


Mr Deaves admitted that he "initially" thought having sex with his daughter was wrong.


"Emotions take over, as people no doubt realise, there are times during your life where emotions do rule the heart, it rules the head," he said.


"I knew it was illegal, of course I knew it was illegal but you know, so what."


Mrs Deaves said the physical relationship with her father was like "a sexual relationship with any other man".


For Mr Deaves the sexual relationship was "absolutely fantastic".


A South Australian police media spokesman said "the couple is being monitored".

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"For Mr Deaves the sexual relationship was "absolutely fantastic"."


Oh I am sure the 50-60 year old man thinks having sex with a 30 year old is "fantastic" no matter if she is your daughter. Not like I care, but I wonder if he really is her biological father, or if he married into the family or adopted her. Still doesn't change the fact it is really wrong.

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I thought that made the offspring into instant RE RE.


Then we'd all be retarded. (Not really, but close.)


Look into history and see how much incest has gone on in "royal" families, etc. It simply increases the chances of a normally recessive heridetary defect, etc. rearing it's ugly head. Maybe that's why so many English/British women are supposedly so unattractive? ;) Hell, Prince Charles or whatever his name is sure looks a little "goofy". lol


And, if you're a Christian, inbreeding shouldn't come as a suprise to you, at all, as a form of propagation.


Really, I don't care what you do as long as your not hurting others. However, they take way too big of a chance having children. Maybe this one's healthy now (still may develop shit later) but why bring a child into the world with an even greater chance of mental and/or physical suffering from defects immediately noticable, or defects occuring down the road, or the mental and/or physical abuse from other children/adults who know who your parents are. That is selfish.

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then go :jerkit: but don't have sex with your kid :eek: Damn, the dude and chick are both Fugly too.


Don't accuse me of promoting sex with a family member! I still have a few working brain cells left you know...

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so the daughter and the mom are now mother/daughter and sisters, and the guy is now daddy/grandpa


i agree, that kid is gonna be totally fucked up. if shes smart, she'll kill herself before kindergarden to avoid the humiliation she will experience in life. lol

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