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Just stop talking to her dont discuss anything if she truelly wants to make it work she will come back running. If she doesnt then you will know the answer.


Honestly I know you dislike the age card but it is absolutely true. At the end of the day you dont have the life experience to really understand why Jones and Not Brian really are giving you good advice they just dont sugar coat it.

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  Drewz2nr said:
Just stop talking to her dont discuss anything if she truelly wants to make it work she will come back running. If she doesnt then you will know the answer.


Great advice, just ignore her and if she comes back running, then you can proceed with the wedding and the rest of your lives (because then you'll know the answer). Very healthy way to start their lives together. Sounds like real communication there.




Steven, people are going to suggest lots of different ways for you to cope with this situation, what you have to do is work this out for yourself and manage everything that's going on with the support of your family and friends. They are the ones that know you both individually and as a couple. Rely on them to help you figure out what's best for your situation.

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  bottlefedfcus said:
I just wanted to update......


She has decided that she does want to stay together and get married.





I didn't really get a chance to highlight this before, and I don't know if someone else did though I somehow doubt there was much support among the sea of "you're too young" comments.


My girlfriend was having some doubts about us (we're not getting married or anything) so we talked it out, and I basically told her we should maybe take it easy from each other for a while. We did, but the past few times we saw each other we tried to do things that reminded us why we got together in the first place; she's really an athletic/outdoors person, and so things as simple as going out with her and a bunch of our friends and playing football/frisbee made her extremely happy.


Try to do things like that if she's having doubts; think about what makes her happy. Not just flowers or jewelry (that works too) but what she likes doing with friends, and do that. If she likes going to movies, get a bunch of people to go to a movie. If she likes bbqing, call a few friends (make sure hers are there too!) and fire up the grill. Just having other people around in a social environment where she can be less concerned about you and her makes everything easier.

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i dont know u man but i just got out of a 6 year relationship almost a year ago now it is very hard to think about if your girl really loves u she will stay with u through this . My ex said it was going to take more than love to work all of our problems out that shit really hurt but trust me there are other girls out there i never thought i would find love again but i did good luck to u i wish u the best i know how u feel
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  bottlefedfcus said:
I just wanted to update......


She has decided that she does want to stay together and get married.


So.... will you be back in another year crying about how she wants a divorce?


Just trying to give another point of view. Hey at least Im not as harsh as Jones.

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  El Borracho said:


You are only 20. Yeah, you have much more room to talk. :rolleyes:


Oh and Ben, telling him to not look back is not relationship advice in the slightest. Its a general life lesson that most everyone should have picked up on by, at the very least, age 18 - if not earlier.

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  MegamanEXE said:
You are only 20. Yeah, you have much more room to talk. :rolleyes:


Oh and Ben, telling him to not look back is not relationship advice in the slightest. Its a general life lesson that most everyone should have picked up on by, at the very least, age 18 - if not earlier.




As far as the point of this thread...Man, you are young. I hope things pick up and work out for you. If you both really love each other I'm sure you will work it out or end it peacefully. Lets hope for working it out.


Good luck,


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  MegamanEXE said:
Its a general life lesson that most everyone should have picked up on by, at the very least, age 18 - if not earlier.



Don't know about your past but I am pretty proud of my past and present I "Look Back" all the time. :nono:

Life lesson? Come talk to me about life lessons after you get laid for the first time.

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have you thought about marriage counceling?


Just because she said that she wants to get married doesn't mean that at this point you want to... you seem to have alot of concerns and fears at this point or you wouldn't be posting this up on an online forum.


you really need to take this time and seriously think about if you want to get married and if the answer is still yes, then you need to also dig deeper into why she brought up that she didn't want to in the first place... just be prepared for the answer that she might give you.




Step 1.) PITB


Step 2.) schedule marriage councelor


Step 3.) azz-mouth

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  SpaceGhost said:

Don't know about your past but I am pretty proud of my past and present I "Look Back" all the time. :nono:

Life lesson? Come talk to me about life lessons after you get laid for the first time.


I'm talking about negative stuff, not every fucking thing you ever experience. Negative experiences don't make a person. I am proud of many things I have done and experienced, but I have made mistakes in the past. I like to think that I learned from those, and have never looked back on them since.


I guess the point I am trying to make is don't let something like a breakup ruin your life.

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Guest 614Streets

You shouldn't have to change anything you would rather not , about yourself , to keep your relationship , but you have to analylize it all.


What I mean by analylize is, ass fuck her in public , like in a park off the side of the trail.

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