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Laptop deal?


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My brother is going to be starting college at OSU this fall, and needs a laptop.


I'm a desktop person, and the only laptops I ever bought were cheap-o used deals that served a single purpose they were purchased for.


His goal is to do some business management/administration/something like that classes, so it will basically be used for that, surfing the net, and perhaps very light gaming. Gaming ability would be a bonus, not any sort of requirement.


Cost wise, the cheaper the better.


The best deal I've found so far has been an Acer Aspire, Celeron 550, 15.4" widescreen, 1GB DDR2, 80GB HD (5400RPM SATA), DVD reader w/ CD burner, and Vista Home. Price: $379


It is weak in a few areas (HD and lack of a DVD burner for starters), but that is pretty cheap for a new laptop.


Any better deals out there? If so, I'd appreciate a link. :)

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Cheap ass





So far, this is the best deal I've found. $25 to upgrade to a dual-core CPU, $5 to get 40GB larger HD, free upgrade to 1GB ram, $15 to upgrade to a DVD burner = $444


The Acer is $20 cheaper than the base Dell and pretty much equivalent, but I'd much rather have a Dell. My work laptop is a Dell, and has never given me any issues (I've had it for 3+ years now). My fiancée's work and home laptops are Dells, and she is also pleased.


Newegg had nothing. Tigerdirect's selection had lease returns for more money. Dell outlet were all more expensive. Directron was more expensive.


Still looking @ E-bay for some slightly used deals.

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