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1am...wrong time to knock on someones door!


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Should have Boondock Sainted her, put your ski mask on, opened the door, grabbed her by the back of the head drug her inside and put the gun to her head.


"this has got to be his big chance"

"we got to fuck with him"


funny none the less

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i guess i should have clarified, it wasnt just a single knock...it was a loud knock 4-5x, then maybe 3 seconds later, another quick knock...thats probably why it threw me off. usually, when i knock on someones door, ill wait for 30 seconds before trying again, if im even going to


lights on our apartment are automatically controlled, and are always on at night...we have no control over that


But you live in Blacklick? and have a gun in blacklick? :confused:

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you should know...


The people that are going to fuck you up aren't courteous enough to ring doorbells.



that's not entirely true.


there's been a trend of people knocking/ringing door bells late at night in lancaster, and when the homeowner opens the door to see why someone is knocking at their door at 1am, guns are pointed and they're basically robbed.




doh, guess V8 Beast already covered that.

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When that happened to me....I purposely racked the slide so they could hear it.


would have been one thing to do, but i already had it loaded, and with that M&P, you really gotta slam it back to eject a live round, or else it gets jammed up, and i didnt want to fumble with it at 1am just so they could know. it was there should i have needed it. thankfully, it was nothing

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If someone rings my doorbell at 1am, the door will be answered with a Shotgun. It has been before, I am sure it will be again.


There is no reason to go to someone's home at 1am that you do not know, or are not expect at.



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If someone rings my doorbell at 1am, the door will be answered with a Shotgun. It has been before, I am sure it will be again.


There is no reason to go to someone's home at 1am that you do not know, or are not expect at.





unless you live in a busy apartment complex, or on a college campus, a doorbell at 1am is not going to be good. i would have not answered the door, but been ready to shoot whoever broke in, if that's what they were going to do. regardless, sounds like you need to move, orginal poster

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120lbs of Rotti answers my door ...ask the fed-x and ups drivers ...they leave the items 30 ft from the door at the end of the walk

big dogs FTW http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2352/2158597920_c1c2000ec1.jpg

or even bigger


thats a full size ball


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unless you live in a busy apartment complex, or on a college campus, a doorbell at 1am is not going to be good. i would have not answered the door, but been ready to shoot whoever broke in, if that's what they were going to do. regardless, sounds like you need to move, orginal poster


I live in a "good" area.


I trust "no one", save a few.





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I think you did everything right.


killjoy is right, i live in dublin. If i were a criminal with half a brain why would i rob another poor person? fuck that i'd drive to a nice area of town and rob the rich folk.


Cuz poor people don't have transportation or gas. :D

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I think you did everything right.


killjoy is right, i live in dublin. If i were a criminal with half a brain why would i rob another poor person? fuck that i'd drive to a nice area of town and rob the rich folk.



A girl I used to date grew up in Muirfield and their house was broken into twice and a car vandalized once. Although they think the vandalism was because her father had just fired someone

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