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Your oil dollars at work - $9.8 million license plate auction in the UAE


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While fuel prices continue to ratchet up and put a squeeze on all aspects of the world economy, times are flush within the borders of major oil producing nations. So flush, in fact, that several Emiratis found a total of 9.8 million dollars to indulge in low-number license plates at a recent auction. The fascination with distinctive tags is a world-wide phenomenon, but $926,000 for a plate that says "50G" is uniquely asinine. If that's what our last few fillups helped purchase, we're going to bike more.

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whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll is expensive


get the fuck over it


if your in control of a major supply of a dwindling resource you can charge whatever you want for it if its squeezing too much drive less or get a better paying job

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whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll is expensive


get the fuck over it


if your in control of a major supply of a dwindling resource you can charge whatever you want for it if its squeezing too much drive less or get a better paying job


I ordered my better paying job in the mail and am waiting for it to arrive still.

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your still whining work harder get two jobs fucking become a derelict and mooch off the government I don't care just shut the fuck up about oil....


the reality is is that the price is going to continue to increase dramatically as the supply wanes depending on who you listen too we have 15-100 years of production before oil starts to run out


if you can't afford to drive...... don't


thats the new world


deal with it

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your still whining work harder get two jobs fucking become a derelict and mooch off the government I don't care just shut the fuck up about oil....


the reality is is that the price is going to continue to increase dramatically as the supply wanes depending on who you listen too we have 15-100 years of production before oil starts to run out


if you can't afford to drive...... don't


thats the new world


deal with it


I think this thread is more about buying 9XX,XXX dollar license plates. Remove the oil-lubed stick out of your ass. :p

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I find it funny more than anything, spending all this money on worthless shit. What happens when their income goes bye-bye?


"He who controls the spice...er...I mean sand, controls the universe."

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i got an idea, lets just rob a tanker.


why don't you just go hang out with the rest of the Somalis in c-bus then, they'll help you out.




I don't see why people get pissed off about this. I doubt anyone has a problem with Paul Allen's $300m yacht Octopus that was paid for with money earned by a near-complete monopoly on the technology sector for many years. Just because it happens outside America doesn't mean its any worse than what goes on here.

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The price of oil has very little to do with supply shortages


It is mostly due to the devaluation of the USD $$ and that oil is priced in USD. So as the USD becomes worth less and less on the world market, the price of oil rises for us, and stays unchanged for the rest of the world.

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