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Is my way of thinking wrong?


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I was having a conversation with a buddy of mine about how to hire employees. I owned my own company for roughly 8 years, I employeed up to 16 full time employees working in as many as 5 different states. I had no way of monitoring each guy everyday so I hired based on this way of thinking. Fathers, husbands, homeowners. A father has kids to feed, a husband has a wife to keep happy and a hoeowner has a mortgage payment to make. Anyone I hired had to have a combination of these things. I always looked at what type of car someone owned and drove by their house just to see how they kept their property. There were a few that I hired that did not meet this criteria but they were on reference of people who I knew well. My buddy says this is a bad way of doing business and that you should hire based on the feeling you get when talking to a person. Keep in mind that everyone thinks they do quality work and most people tend to exaggerate their skills.
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It's your business. Run it how you see fit. We hired guys based on how they 1.Asked if we were hiring, 2.Bothered to dress at least cleanly, 3.were able to carry on a conversation, 4.were able to pass a money test (part of the job was making change, and we had to fire many idiots because they could not count back simple change).


If they respected Dad (the owner) and could speak and make change, we could teach them how to turn a wrench and change a tire.

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As long as you are not being prejudice then run it how you see fit. A lot of companies do credit checks before they hire employees and turn people down if they have bad credit. You are just doing a more in depth review. As long as you are not hiring them because they live in the ghetto, or a trailor park (for example) its fine.
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I agree with your criteria. Its logical and probably accurate most of the time when looking for someone who will respect your company and property. They'd also likely be responsible, but for some people there is still no help.


I've never agreed with hiring people based on the interview and how they "sold" it.

To many people are capable of bullshitting their way through interviews. In my company we find out pretty fast who's a worthless piece of shit. To many responsibilities and skills required to just "wing" it.



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The ex-Vp of Xerox was hired as he was dumping gravel in the lot of the first store. The founder saw how extremely clean his truck was and hired him on the spot.
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I agree with your criteria. Its logical and probably accurate most of the time when looking for someone who will respect your company and property. They'd also likely be responsible, but for some people there is still no help.


I've never agreed with hiring people based on the interview and how they "sold" it.

To many people are capable of bullshitting their way through interviews. In my company we find out pretty fast who's a worthless piece of shit. To many responsibilities and skills required to just "wing" it.




Exactly. I see guys everyday who had a good enough bullshit story to get hired and then suck at the actual job.

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You hire dudes just because they stuck their dick in some girl?


Once you get beyond the initial impression of "is this guy hireable" in the first place, I looked at as, is this guy somewhat stable. There is a ceratin level of maturity that comes with being married. I guess I looked at it as this person has made a commitment to another person to love cherish and obey. I know that all marriages are not based on this, but then again this sort of came after doing my initial "sizing up" of the person. And I meant a "father" not a baby daddy.

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As long as you are not hiring them because they live in the ghetto, or a trailor park (for example) its fine.

If it was a higher paying, skilled job requiring an education and previous experience, I would disagree with this.


If you live in a run-down area, what other previous failures have you had to get into that situation? I wouldn't hold this against a lower paying job, someone fresh out of school or not experienced in the field. But if I was hiring someone that was making good money and should have been doing the same previously...I would have my doubts about them.


You don't have to make a lot of money to live in a clean neighborhood.

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You are probably missing out on some good people, but do as you please. Some people are responsible and work hard without needing a wife or kids to prove it.

Agreed, I'm 34, no wife, kids, and rent, but have been a dependable worker since I have held a job as a 16yo. I haven't had the best of luck with the ladies, but that doesn't mean I won't show up at work, on time ready to do the tasks assigned to me. Ohio is an employ at will state so do as you please.


I understand what you are going for, and know that you have to pick 1 out of 100 applicants to interview, so its not a bad way to weed out the weak, considering the cost of training them and what you have to fix if they screw up.

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If it was a higher paying, skilled job requiring an education and previous experience, I would disagree with this.


If you live in a run-down area, what other previous failures have you had to get into that situation? I wouldn't hold this against a lower paying job, someone fresh out of school or not experienced in the field. But if I was hiring someone that was making good money and should have been doing the same previously...I would have my doubts about them.


You don't have to make a lot of money to live in a clean neighborhood.


Some people choose to stay close to the people and neighborhoods that helped them get to where they are. Some believe the best way to build up their communities is from the inside out. The house part is judging a book by its cover. The outside could be old and weathered while the inside may look like a mansion. They could have high grass because their lawnmower broke and they are saving their money until they find a new job, etc.. etc...

There are too many factors involved to get a good readout on one visit. I think it would be ok if you had doubts ( kind of as a last effort tie breaker) but not as a major part of the decision process.

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yea i am more of a... "i can and will do my job, leave my home life to me" type person. maybe my house isnt perfect but i might have one hell of a track car in the garage. just where their priorities are. maybe i have not found that one person for me to marry yet.


i know with me i am a anal perfectionist with my job. not so much with my personal life. when i used to bartend i used to drive the other tenders nuts cause i was so picky about how the bar was kept. kinda like the guy dumping gravel with a uber-clean truck. i remember when dad and i went to get a part for the 69 plymouth... guy we were getting the part off of was higher up at the local ford engine plant. lived in the ghetto. house was not good looking. he had one hell of a nice pro street barracuda in the garage though. he had also put togther another car for his daughter.



A father has kids to feed, a husband has a wife to keep happy and a hoeowner has a mortgage payment to make.


yea them hoes are expensive!!! ;)

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