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My new wheels on teh Stang


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Yea I got black wheels too! - I ordered these like 2 months ago and my GF finaly sent me some pics.

If you have seen it out, my room mate is been driving it. If ya race it and win your car could be faster or he just cant drive it.


Well here they are sorry for the shity quality off of her $90 camera.





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On second glance those sorta look like mine but in black..









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On second glance those sorta look like mine but in black..



They Do look alike.... nice wheels..... I like your style! lol


The $90 Camera is my GFs she got it to take pics and video while I have the better one here in Saudi (its a POS too but better) Will have better pics in 3 weeks, Im comming home :woowoo:

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They Do look alike.... nice wheels..... I like your style! lol


The $90 Camera is my GFs she got it to take pics and video while I have the better one here in Saudi (its a POS too but better) Will have better pics in 3 weeks, Im comming home :woowoo:


Glad to hear your coming home, tell everyone I said thanks for everything (that goes for you as well buddy.)


Everyone's wheels look great btw.


Sean McConaha

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Thanks for the kind words.. Yea.. I thought about geting the lip machined... I dont know yet tho.


Yep thats him... my new apartment is out that way.


im 99% sure i saw him on e. broad street near RNA today, heading out toward pataskala (or maybe turning onto RNA...idk). does he have lighter colored short hair?


Glad to hear your coming home, tell everyone I said thanks for everything (that goes for you as well buddy.)


Thanks, It means alot to hear people say that. I always tell every one if some one thanks us.... keeps the moral up, lets them know we have some support back home.

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your buddys driving it. let me know when your ready to have it done.



Yea, I asked him when did you say it was going to be ready.... He said..... "Shit I forgot to take it."


So I'll get ahold of ya when I get home, Ill bring it myself.

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