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Ever heard of "Hypermiling"?


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so he doubled his milage...hmm Wonder if I could double my current 50 MPG to 100!


I watched that earlier. and one thing that they failed to mention is that shutting the engine off (for cars with power steering) is that it stops working and makes it very hard to steer.


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so he doubled his milage...hmm Wonder if I could double my current 50 MPG to 100!


I watched that earlier. and one thing that they failed to mention is that shutting the engine off (for cars with power steering) is that it stops working and makes it very hard to steer.



Yea, I'm willing to bet the guy doesn't have the slightest clue as to how the car works mechanically. I'm also willing to bet that shifting an automatic "into 1st", only to cut the engine every single time you drive isn't great either.

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Hypermiling huh....So that's what they are calling cheep ass white guys now a days. The MPG is impressive, but if you have to roll through turns at 55mph and push start your car or turn it off and coast to light’s then I’ll pass. Goofy ass people.
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so he doubled his milage...hmm Wonder if I could double my current 50 MPG to 100!


I watched that earlier. and one thing that they failed to mention is that shutting the engine off (for cars with power steering) is that it stops working and makes it very hard to steer.



Or the fact that most steering wheels lock in the current position when the key is shut off and that you only have a couple of brake applications before you lose power assist. 50mpg might save you enough money to pay the deductible when you hit someone/something.

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Or the fact that most steering wheels lock in the current position when the key is shut off and that you only have a couple of brake applications before you lose power assist. 50mpg might save you enough money to pay the deductible when you hit someone/something.


If you watch the video again, you can clearly see he turns the key back to the auxiliary position. His wheel won't lock and unless he decides to save gas during an emergency stop, ie, A kid just ran out in the road and this ass decides to turn the car off first to save some gas, then the braking and especially the steering, will be fine. I'm curious if the DMV or whatever would be particularly pleased with this, however. There is enough to think about when having to drive, watch others, read signs, talk on phone, and eat my hamburger all while watchin a dvd than to add more to it. :D

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Crazy stupid. I'm all for gas saving DD, even a prius, but I'd never drive one to get 100mpg. That sucker better like the way I'd flogg it to get the most out of it and I'd end up taking whatever mpg's it would give me in return. :p


That said, I hate getting behind folks who ride the speed limit or less. More of them on the road lately too. Very noticeable to me. I hate those that take 2 minutes to get to 45mph too. They piss me off more. :mad:


If it's just for them, that's one thing, but for all those trying to save the planet one gallon at a time....it's not working as you're just causing everyone else to pass you at WOT in a fury of frustration and road rage. :rolleyes:


Very best I've ever gotten from my GXP is 17mpg in the burbs. I can't drive more than 45mph and have to use cruise to get her in 4 cyl. mode. I bet I could hit 20mpg+ if I shut her down at every light, but then I'd likely wear the motor out starting it 25 times per day. :confused:


No thanks.....I'd rather have fun and eat the 12-14mpg's I get now.

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