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Taking a stab at Hypermiling.


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Well, I saw the CNN video about the dude Hypermiling his car and thought maybe I might give it a try myself.


I have a 2003 Lexus GS300 which I drive daily and according to fueleconomy.gov my car supposedly gets a combined MPG of 18. Normally I will run the car till the fuel light comes on which is roughly 380-400 miles.


My goal is out of curiousity, but to see how much I can squeeze out of the car, with least effort and without going to the extreme as far as methods are concerned.


I think putting the car in neutral and shutting it off while coasting is a little extreme in my opinion. I'm trying to be realistic when trying to save gas, and using simple techniques like coasting and limited braking, keeping the RPM's down while accelerating and utilizing cruise control, which everyone can do without too much effort.


I filled my car up last night and noted how many gallons I put in the car and slightly over-inflated my tires. We'll see what happenes from here on out! OH, and I noticed the ECT SNOW function on my car limits the throttle inputs quite a bit so hopefully I'll see a difference by the end of this tank.

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  super_gtp said:
Tripple WTF!

Do me a favor and don't refer to it as " Hypermiling" that's gay.




Like I care what its called.. I'm just trying to save some money just like everyone else :nod:

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  Jones said:
Speak for yourself. :p I still get into boost all the time :p


actually, I never bitch about gas mileage.. I just wanna see how much of a difference there will be compared to my normal asshole driving :D


I had a lady honk at me and ride my ass all the way next to the red light because I was basically coasting from one light that just turned green to a red one not even 100ft down the road. Like she can actually go anywhere while the light is still red :rolleyes:

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  Kevin R. said:
I always read it as hypermilling and think it is some crazy sex craze.


When I saw the original thread with the CNN video I ignored it because I read it as Hypermilling, and figured it was another stupid thread about teh kid that poured sand into his intake to port and polish his head or something stupid lol.

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  Ry_Trapp0 said:
putting your car in neutral when coasting or going down hill doesn't actually help your mileage. your car will detect that your coasting and doesn't squirt fuel in since it doesnt need to. or something like that. there was a small debate about that on svtperformance.


Yeah, I'm aware of that.. More or less I did a little bit of research about that on my Lexus but came up generally empty handed. I'm not going between neutral and drive because I did a little testing myself to find that even if the car is neutral and i'm coasting it's at the same RPM as if I were coasting in drive. I'm not going to be bothered with going back and forth because I feel it's more work than necessary and I'm still trying ot be realistic.

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  The Jag Bloke said:
I've been staring at this 86 corolla and thinking the same things, though I AM going to get invasive. 50+ is doable, the goal would be 60.


Are you looking at buying one? Honestly, I think 60 MPG is still very doable with either 4AC or 4AG considering how old the car is. A quick tune-up to make sure it's running like a top and you'll be getting good results, that's for sure. I would be really interested to see what turns out of that.

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I've managed to pull a 98 Voyager up to almost 28 MPG. Taking the removable parts of the roof rack off was worth a full 1 MPG in and of itself. I also added weatherstripping foam to the underside of the hood edge, which keeps the air from getting in underneath it. No effect on underhood temps BTW, since there is PLENTY of air coming through the grille.
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