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Food Safty Alert


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I got a call from the FDA at about 11:30pm last night puting out an outbreak alert on "Raw Tomato" products. They werent specific to if it was for canned or chopped/diced/ or whole tomato products, but we were advised to cease the use of tomato products in the restaurant untill further notice.


After a couple of phone calls, I found out some important information:


1. This alert was not for Ohio, but should not be disregaurded by business that get thier products form out of state.


2. The alert was in precaution to a Salmonella outbreak at a processing plant. The location was not released.


3. Non of the Yum-Brands locations (Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, KFC, Long John Silvers, A&W) located in Ohio were part of the alert. McLane Food Service was cleared by the FDA to continue shipping out its Tomato Products.



Other than that I dont have any information about other restaurnts or food marts. If i hear anyhting else I'll post it up.

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Thanks for the heads up, but this has been semi-widely known since at least Friday. I couldn't get tomatos on my salad at AppleBees Friday becasue of this. Where do you work that you would be called by the FDA?




Well they called my cell phone while i was at BW3's watching UFC 85. TPM has a registar list of current food managers by company. Thats one of the reasons why all PHI GM's has to get TPM Certified last year.

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All Arby's restraunts across USA have been instructed to pitch any tomatoes (including cherry tomatoes) as of 5:30 pm today (Sunday).


The way it was presented to all Arby's employees is that the FDA has not cleared anyone to serve tomatoes. I have no idea though for sure though.

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