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Why do these people feel they need to open there yaps.


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Well, glad I made some kind of impression on you finally.

I'm not the small minded bigot advocating discrimination against a pretty large chunk of the American population.

Nor am I the one saying that somebody else's choice of lifestyle -which harms me not a bit- is wrong, immoral, or evil.


I'm foul?

Dude, you REEK of hatred and fear.

Since you are open minded, and accept everyone lifestyle. Please come to church with me. I will even buy you lunch after service.


You are open minded.... right?

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Why would it make a difference?

I have no problem with people going to church, no objections to your lifestyle.

I made my decision about whether I wished to follow any religion long ago, and see no reason now to revise my decision.

If you think I've never been to church, never read the Bible, you're very wrong.

I think many of the stories in various religious texts offer good advice on how to live your life(although just as much of it is useless twaddle like Leviticus, Genesis, and Revelations), and I respect people who keep to their faith and stand up for their rights to believe as they wish.

Where that respect ends is with people like you, who think that their way is the only RIGHT way, and believe that their beliefs should be forced on everyone else through the force of law.

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Since you are open minded, and accept everyone lifestyle. Please come to church with me. I will even buy you lunch after service.


You are open minded.... right?




I really enjoyed your hiatus from CR Religion Threads.


CR is filled w/ mostly tolerant folks regarding lifestyles and religion, except for your stupid fucking bigot ass......


You, by far, are the MOST hate filled, bible beating, "I am right, you are wrong", Bigot on CR.


Prove me wrong!


Must I start engaging every single single-minded post you make?



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Also, Rick.... please quote something OTHER than Bible Text, or references to, to back up your thoughts.


Otherwise, I will quote whatever the fuck floats my boat that day to back up mine.






PS - Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you are an asshole.

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You do seem crankier then the old rick. Is everything ok chief? Pray tonight serioully If you were non christian I would say meditate. But ask yourself If your overly hateful or is it just. Don't go by anything but what you feel inside (What god tells you). Be open about it. Maybe your the one who is to help change your churches bigoted ways.


Living with hate does not help man.



Real question.

Would you take your kids to cosi? I thought of you friday when I was there. they were talking about how old the earth was. Then next to me I herd some woman go common to her kids "this place is just full of lies filthy lies." I just stood there in shock. So you want your kid to learn science but ignore parts of it that have just as much place as others.


Anyone I mean anyone who debates the age of the earth is not opening there mind to look at the FACTS. Learn the full side of the story. I know your side of the story quite well. You seem to not know sciences side to anything more then what your hear in your consertive sermans or read in a consertive media print.


Do you really know how it was supposed to happen? Does the logic and tests we have make sense to you? If they do which seems more logical? God worked in his own damn way which just so happened to be evolution. Ya know like playing a game of Spore or sim city.

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Assult, domestic violence or not still carries penalties in ohio.

Oh, BTW, bud. The biggest problem isn't just new cases, but appeals, where a new law can affect an old conviction, but they can't do anything so unconstitutional as changing the charge to reflect the change in the law.

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PS - Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you are an asshole.

Praise The Lord!


I am on the right track you, Gonne, and a few others think that. :D


You guy keep hating on me, you keep showing these people on here how much love you have!

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Oh, BTW, bud. The biggest problem isn't just new cases, but appeals, where a new law can affect an old conviction, but they can't do anything so unconstitutional as changing the charge to reflect the change in the law.

No system is Perfect.

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Praise The Lord!


I am on the right track you, Gonne, and a few others think that. :D


You guy keep hating on me, you keep showing these people on here how much love you have!


I have love for anyone who does not want laws pressed upon me based on their religious views.


Burkas, for instance. That's a law based on religion.


Think about it, and open your mind to tolerance.


You ONLY posted your original post because YOU KNEW it would stir the pot.


Maybe god is not doing it for you any more? Is that why you come to CR to post about religion? Or is it, you just want to "Convert" all of us? That would make god happy..... woudn't it. Perhaps it would make you Head Deacon?


Gay's getting married will affect, or effect.... whichever, your life.... uhhh... NADA! Get the fuck over it, and start worrying about important stuff.... the economy, fuel prices, flooding....




PS - Did god have something against Seymour, IN.... because they have had the worst flooding there in AGES!?!?!?!?!?!

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Since you are open minded, and accept everyone lifestyle. Please come to church with me. I will even buy you lunch after service.


You are open minded.... right?



Sure... right after you come to a function with some of my friends whom are gay. I'll take you up on that...


I can't stand people who claim to be religious.... yet show no tolerance, understanding, or kindness towards others. If people would live their own lives the way that they feel is right... and stop judging others... the world would be a better place.


"Religious" people persecute and condemn others so that they might feel more righteous and superior to them... to make themselves more sure of their own salvation.


The most religious.. and I mean a devoted and honest.... people I have ever known live their lives to the highest standards, show compassion for others, and avoid persecution and passing judgement on others.

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Sure... right after you come to a function with some of my friends whom are gay. I'll take you up on that...



I have no problem with that as much as you may think I do. I still hold my views when ask in those situations. You most like assume that I am rude guy with a Bible in one hand and no tact. Not true at all.


I have many Gay/ lesbians as patients and we have conversations about this subject occasionally.


BTW...This weekend I am going to Arizona to visit my gay cousin that is on death row in Florence AZ.

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I have no problem with that as much as you may think I do. I still hold my views when ask in those situations. You most like assume that I am rude guy with a Bible in one hand and no tact. Not true at all.


I have many Gay/ lesbians as patients and we have conversations about this subject occasionally.


BTW...This weekend I am going to Arizona to visit my gay cousin that is on death row in Florence AZ.



Well... I honestly am a little surprised. I'd like to try and do this sometime.

Wednesday nights at Papa-Boos. ;)

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Ugh. Trying to argue this with a religious zealot is a waste of time because being against same-sex marriage is a purely EMOTIONAL response, there is no logic involved in it at all.


Outside of the basics (murder, theft) it is not YOUR position to decide for others what is "moral" or "right/wrong."


After checking out the "practice" linked to in "Dr." Rick's signature I'm not at all surprised that he believes in a big scary guy in the sky. Subluxations! ROFL.

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The altimate question:


If God says its a sin to be gay, and even a bigger sin to get married... WTF does that have to do with you? Let the sin'ers go to hell you you just keep on living your life.


Im athiest, and I dont care what people do unless it DIRECTLY effects my daily life. i dont care about CCW, untill that idiot pulls the weapon on me, then i have a problem with it. I dont have a problem with gay people, untill they try to force that shit on me, then i have a problem with it.


If someone wants to be gay and be married, who really cares. Its not hurting a damn thing. More than likely they arent going to be outside your church protesting against your religion, or protesting that Christmas isnt really a national holiday... leave them the fuck alone and go about your business.


As far as the evolutionary argument... havent you ever seen Jurassic Park? Dr. Malcom said it best, "Life finds a way." There are several species of animlas on this planet that have evolved into being hermaphrodites, in order to INCREASE the chance of procreation. Several spiecses of frogs specificly can are all born female, and can change thier sex at will to procreate. Reptiles, all born female, unless warmed to the proper temperature then become male before birth. ALL HUMANS start out in the womb as being female, untill a specific stage in the pregnancy when the embryo aquires the Y chromosome.


The only argument with anyone whom is against gay marrage is this:


What is wrong with your brain?

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