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Why do these people feel they need to open there yaps.


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One word. One thing to throw a wrench in it all. I'll capitalize it for emphasis.




I'm curious as to how "god" categorizes them and their "proper" sexuality.

I have no clue.

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Ugh. Trying to argue this with a religious zealot is a waste of time because being against same-sex marriage is a purely EMOTIONAL response, there is no logic involved in it at all.

Again, I must be on the right track. :D

Outside of the basics (murder, theft) it is not YOUR position to decide for others what is "moral" or "right/wrong."

You are 100% right! It is not up to me, it is up to God and he spoke. :p

After checking out the "practice" linked to in "Dr." Rick's signature I'm not at all surprised that he believes in a big scary guy in the sky. Subluxations! ROFL.







Those are the diagnosis codes for subluxation, published by the AMA in the ICD code book. They are also accepted by Medicare, and every other insurance company in the US. We must have fooled the AMA and Congress.

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Rick, You really have to stop giving your religion a black eye here. You're not helping anyone here "see the light" of your religion. In fact you're making religion even more unappealing than it was before you started to speak.


I don't believe in a God, but I do believe the woman in this picture (from your website) has a great ass!!


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Rick, You really have to stop giving your religion a black eye here. You're not helping anyone here "see the light" of your religion. In fact you're making religion even more unappealing than it was before you started to speak.

I have never once started into this stuff with anyone on this board. In fact, I would prefer not to discuss it here. That is why I left for about two months and did not post. I come back to the site and Thorne et al. continue to post filthy liberal ideas that lead to the destruction of the family unit. If you want me to stop tell the others (Thorne, Spaceghost et al.) to stop the posting of issues like this. It seems fine for others to post anti-chirstian material, but if I defend God and Christ I am a bad person. My vote is to ban the next person who post another thread about religion or homos. This includes the moderators!


You people can call me a hate monger, zealot, Bigot, I dont care. As a matter of fact, if heathens think that way of me, I am doing the right thing

I don't believe in a God, but I do believe the woman in this picture (from your website) has a great ass!!


I agree!

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How do we know Jesus wasnt gay? You dont!!! What I dont understand is why religous people whine about sin/gays when these pastors,ministers,etc are molesting little boys!! Sick mother fuckers are teaching gods way alright!
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How do we know Jesus wasnt gay? You dont!!! What I dont understand is why religous people whine about sin/gays when these pastors,ministers,etc are molesting little boys!! Sick mother fuckers are teaching gods way alright!


now why on earth would a gay man, wake up one morning and decided to make everyone strait?

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Guest 614Streets
Rick, You really have to stop giving your religion a black eye here. You're not helping anyone here "see the light" of your religion. In fact you're making religion even more unappealing than it was before you started to speak.


I don't believe in a God, but I do believe the woman in this picture (from your website) has a great ass!!



+1 Milfy

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I will not stop posting things I believe in just as you won't stop posting things you believe in. It just so happens the thing I post the majority back.


I want to say this , You Rick were one of the biggest reasons I stop considering myself a christian. I always tried to keep a open mind about christianty and give it resonable doubt. Even tried to show you my point of view of why the bible and science are both right based on the teachings of other non darkage churches.


But since It seems to me the Extremest type people can't accept anything but exactly what they believe to a T. I can't allign myself with those type people. I don't even want to be remotely assiocated with that type of thinking. It's wrong It's bigoting and its uneducated and its closed minded. Rick I really do like you and thats why I'm even taking the time to post this.



more and more scientists are turning there back on Christianty, Do you know why? I do for the same reason I stated. If you read any of the advanced science it spits in the face of the story you specify for god. They best part? They are using this research and saving lives.


Which is better a scienctiest that saves lives or a magical guy in the sky that people pray to and has no interaction?



I now consider myself a Agnostic. I do believe there is a ultimate force. A force thats unexplainable by man. I believe this force has no real interaction with how life is played out.

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No one said anything about my last post. I guess that is because it was all correct?


Go figure...


No because you are intangled in your own argument... so why drag your multiple personalities through the dirt? It sounds like youre already fucked in the head enough :lol:

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No because you are intangled in your own argument... so why drag your multiple personalities through the dirt? It sounds like youre already fucked in the head enough :lol:


No one cares about my feelings and stuff. :p:p


You wanna be Trowa's friend too? kekeke

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Again, I must be on the right track. :D


If by "on the right track" you mean delusional and a lost cause, sure. See:


You are 100% right! It is not up to me, it is up to God and he spoke. :p


This is what I mean.

There is nothing wrong with BELIEVING that there's a God, although all major religion's version of God is non-sensical enough to fill a religious text with, oh, wait...Anyway, touting your beliefs as absolute truths just makes you look like an illogical dolt.







Those are the diagnosis codes for subluxation, published by the AMA in the ICD code book. They are also accepted by Medicare, and every other insurance company in the US. We must have fooled the AMA and Congress.


Having a billing code for it doesn't mean it exists and the transitive property doesn't apply to the medical field, sorry.


How do you reconcile practicing the religion of Christianity and the Religion of Chiropractic, anyway? It seems like the former isn't compatible with the latter.


I shudder to think what it must be like to believe in things so wholeheartedly with zero evidence that they actually exist. Perhaps ignorance really is bliss.

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I dont get this thread should be about how the supreme court overturned a law that people in the state of California voted for, that marriage should be between only one man and one woman.

the supreme court should not be dictating laws against the people specifically set up.

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I dont get this thread should be about how the supreme court overturned a law that people in the state of California voted for, that marriage should be between only one man and one woman.

the supreme court should not be dictating laws against the people specifically set up.

Welcome to the big government that America has grown into. It's sad really.

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I dont get this thread should be about how the supreme court overturned a law that people in the state of California voted for, that marriage should be between only one man and one woman.

the supreme court should not be dictating laws against the people specifically set up.


You see what happens is... a law is passed... and then a lil while later, someone figures out a way that, according to judicial and historical interpritation, it infringes on thier constitutional rights. Thus, it is over turned, and you and your boyfriend can make sechs in Cali on your wedding night.

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I dont get this thread should be about how the supreme court overturned a law that people in the state of California voted for, that marriage should be between only one man and one woman.

the supreme court should not be dictating laws against the people specifically set up.

I agree. This is really a case of judicial activism.

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Welcome to the big government that America has grown into. It's sad really.


As opposed to telling 2 full grown adults who they can, and can't love (and receive spousal benefit therein) ...

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