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Proof that our rights are being taken away, the so called "DUI exemption"


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its pretty long, but WELL worth the read. please dont post your opinion if you havn't read it.


this is just a bunch of bullshit. i completly agree with this guy! anyone who really is impaired and driving should get jail time, but anyone caught by this bullshit loophole in the justice system is getting royally screwed without lube. and people talk about the 'patriot act' eroding our rights :rolleyes:

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I read it. Interesting read, of course there is evidence to the contrary as far as the accuracy of the machines, and whether or not other methyl sources account for anything but miniscule amounts. I'd need to research this more to make an educated opinion. What I do know is alcohol claims more lives than other recreational substances legal or not. Recidivate dui'ers deserve whatever they get.
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Holy damn. I never knew about most of that stuff. I wish I had read that before I got a DUI for SLEEPING IN MY CAR. Fuckers.


Did you know you can get a DUI for riding a bycicle or a wheelchair? Yea, a fucking WHEELCHAIR.

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I agree with the rights issue. You need to tell me when I am under arrest, you need to establish PC, you need to give me a fair and impartial trial where I get full analysis of the evidence against me.


Blockades aren't the only way the police protect us from drunk drivers. "weaving" is PC. Smell of alcohol is PC.


I don't like that they can use my breath, but don't let me have access to their evidence for my own analysis. Or let me have more than one deterministic analysis done (such as blood).


Of course I make no attempt to drive when I am impaired but clearly I could get pulled over after one beer and end up with a DUI but not actually be influenced by the beer.

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LOL! That guy has no idea. If you want to see the biggest threat to our civil liberties look no further than the White House and both houses of Congress as they are voting on a bill today (FISA) to completely ignore the 4th Amendment. Kiss your privacy goodbye!
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keep the car off, don't sit on the driver side and put the keys in a location that's not within reach or on your person. otherwise, ohio will bust you.


  LimitedSlip7 said:
Holy damn. I never knew about most of that stuff. I wish I had read that before I got a DUI for SLEEPING IN MY CAR. Fuckers.


Did you know you can get a DUI for riding a bycicle or a wheelchair? Yea, a fucking WHEELCHAIR.

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  slow4now said:
LOL! That guy has no idea. If you want to see the biggest threat to our civil liberties look no further than the White House and both houses of Congress as they are voting on a bill today (FISA) to completely ignore the 4th Amendment. Kiss your privacy goodbye!


Source? Link? Something?

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  RangerTurbo said:
Source? Link? Something?


The FISA/Telecom Amnesty bill was just passed by a vote of 293-129 after fewer than 24 hours of review and less than an hour of debate with support by virtually all of the Republicans and a majority of the Democrats.

You can read the bill here at the Senate Majority Leader Steny Hoyer's website:


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Here is the Yahoo story:





Sounds pretty fucked up. Now they can continue to use the telecommunication companies to pretty much listen in on any and all communications in the US. Go watch Frontline's "Spying on the Homefront" if you want to see what they are doing and how they are doing it.

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  SPLN SUX said:
...so just dont drive drunk.

  Jones said:
Ding Ding Ding.


I swear every couple months we get some "Pity me, my friend, my uncle remus" because he got DUI. How can we beat this ? Cops are assholes!"


It's really not hard. :rolleyes:

its not about driving drunk, i dont think anyone here is for protecting drunk drivers, its the fact that you may still get a DUI even if you aren't under the influence. not to mention taking away the basic rights that murderers and rapists get. anyone who gets a legit(I.E., they were actually drunk) DUI deserves every bit of punishment they got, but its pretty rediculous that 2 glasses of wine can get you a DUI when you aren't even under the influence of anything.

  Trouble Maker said:
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety

who was that, benjamin franklin? it's unfortunate how many people this quote applies to.

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  Gas, Grass, or Ass said:
we are going to end up in another civil war over shit like this.....


i didn't use to think this but the more and more are rights are worn down the more i am starting to believe it

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  Ry_Trapp0 said:
its not about driving drunk, i dont think anyone here is for protecting drunk drivers, its the fact that you may still get a DUI even if you aren't under the influence. not to mention taking away the basic rights that murderers and rapists get. anyone who gets a legit(I.E., they were actually drunk) DUI deserves every bit of punishment they got, but its pretty rediculous that 2 glasses of wine can get you a DUI when you aren't even under the influence of anything.


who was that, benjamin franklin? it's unfortunate how many people this quote applies to.


Ive seen 2 glasses of wine do bad things to young females. Usually in the state of Ohio you are charged with two offenses when your cited for a DUI. One for when you blow over .08 and the other is called an implied DUI, which basically gives the officer discretion and allows him to cite you for a DUI if he determines your impaired even though you blow under a .08. Point is everyone has a diffrent BAC at which you might be impaired.

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Drive drunk? You should get wraped around a tree.


HOWEVER.. It's a snap to get out of a DUI arrest. Refuse the brethalyzer. Not only is the refusal inadmissable in court, so is the fact that it was even offered! At that point even a mediocre lawyer can cast enough doubt to get a not guilty verdict.


F'n rediculous.

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  trbmiata said:
Ive seen 2 glasses of wine do bad things to young females. Usually in the state of Ohio you are charged with two offenses when your cited for a DUI. One for when you blow over .08 and the other is called an implied DUI, which basically gives the officer discretion and allows him to cite you for a DUI if he determines your impaired even though you blow under a .08. Point is everyone has a diffrent BAC at which you might be impaired.

yea, i guess i should have been a little more specific with the 2 glasses, lol. hell, might even put my 130lb ass over .08, LOL. but like the guy mentions in the article, no one is impaired at .08%. like the article says, the AMA first said it was .15% at which you were impaired, then, after some pressure, they said it was .10%. then the lawmakers, under pressure from MADD, dropped it down to .08%.

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