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digital camera reccomendations?


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I ended up upgrading from my S2 IS to a full Canon 40D DSLR because I'm getting way hooked on photography and I'll be able to do way better deep space shots with it once all the adapters come in the mail.




when I upgraded from my S2 IS, I was looking at the 40D. I ended up with a Nikon D300 instead. how are you liking the 40D so far?

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I have this camera and i absolutely love it! Kodak is a good camera.


Rutan has this same camera and I was actually shocked at the quality of shots this thing took. It's very impressive for a point and shoot. Until we watched our vacation pics from 07 them on my DLP Tv I couldn't tell a difference in the resolution from my camera and his. I was a bit irritated at first that his point and shoot was taking pics of what I thought was the same quality as my Rebel XTi considering what I paid for it. Viewing them on his laptop I couldn't tell a difference.


Honestly I'd get a dslr. You can pick one up used for about the same price as one of those new and you'll be much happier in the long run.

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Body wise, both are very close feature wise...the real question is does the glass selection work for the user. Nikon is catching up and has some good offerings now. A bit pricey though.


when I upgraded from my S2 IS, I was looking at the 40D. I ended up with a Nikon D300 instead. how are you liking the 40D so far?
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Another great option to consider is the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50. Excellent camera for you described as is the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18. I like the FZ50 better myself but it depends on your needs in terms of reach.


ok...need to buy a new digital camera before vacation. mine is 4 years old, batteries die quickly, pics are so-so...g/fs got dropped (my mistake), and ever since, the flash randomly works correctly. sometimes i get a picture so dark i cant make out anything, others its so bright i think im at the pearly gates.


i want to find something around 350$ or less. have to be able to buy it as bestbuy, as i got a 50$ gift card there that i want to be able to use. doesnt need to be tiny to carry in a pocket. i do want to be able to take great pictures, and great macro shots... no or verry little shudder (sp?) delay would be great...i found a few that look to be good deals...thoughts?


and i dont know if any of these have the option to add a different lens for different pictures. i dont think im into photography THAT much yet, but maybe down the road, it would be nice to upgrade...


FUJIFILM - FinePix 10.0-Megapixel 249.99 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8879234&type=product&id=1212192673855


Canon - PowerShot 12.1MP 349.99 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8590312&type=product&id=1190678018077


Kodak - EasyShare 10.0-Megapixel 249.99 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8796635&type=product&id=1205538061363


Nikon - Coolpix 12.1MP 399.99 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8638003&type=product&id=1194054017684

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when I upgraded from my S2 IS, I was looking at the 40D. I ended up with a Nikon D300 instead. how are you liking the 40D so far?



I love it so far. I gotta learn a lot though since its my first true DSLR. As far as daytime stuff I got a 28-135mm IS lens for most things. The deal came with a 70-300mm lens also, but its very basic. I'm thinking of getting maybe the 50mm F1.8 or 1.4 lens for lower light and some wide angle space stuff, but since the cameras primary purpose is astrophotography this is the main lens I'll be using.



Its a 2032mm F10 telescope with a 206mm primary mirror. Mines similar looking, but its old enough that its glass was hand ground so the quality is far better than the one pictured (unless it was a good day on the assembly line.)


When I get real serious I'll get a modification kit for the 40D that will eliminate the hydrogen alpha filters. Then I'll have to also install a white balance filter for doing daytime stuff though.


So far Nikon hasn't made a DSLR with a signal to noise ratio as low as canon so nearly 90% of space shots are using canons so you get a lot of resources and info on the subject. By low S/N ratio I'm talking about running the cameras shutter open on an object for over 3 minutes per frame and doing several hours of frames in that manner then combining them with stacking software into one very detailed image. Even the canon CMOS is smoking by the time your done and some people have even built massive cooling systems to freeze the CMOS to -40F while shooting.


Canon took notice of what people were doing with there cameras and even made a Canon 20Da for a short time that had the features astronomers wanted.



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I love it so far. I gotta learn a lot though since its my first true DSLR. As far as daytime stuff I got a 28-135mm IS lens for most things. The deal came with a 70-300mm lens also, but its very basic. I'm thinking of getting maybe the 50mm F1.8 or 1.4 lens for lower light and some wide angle space stuff, but since the cameras primary purpose is astrophotography this is the main lens I'll be using.




that sounds pretty sweet. I have an 18-200 VR (vr is similar to IS) that is my every day lens. it does pretty well. I also picked up a 70-300 VR lens. this one is pretty basic as well. its not too bad at f8 though. a little soft at f5.6.

I scored an f1.8 50mm for $100. its an older lens but the auto focus works on my d300 where it doesn't work on the lower level nikon dslr's.


I'll have to say the f1.8 is pretty sweet for low light, but the depth of field is very shallow.

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The amount of light being let into the lens. Your Depth of Field is what will vary with this setting and when combined with your focal length. Read up on DOF and shutter speeds.


This is more for DSLR's but you'll get a good understanding reading it.



here's an online tool



I like this one best.



Enjoy the ride!


whats the "f1.8" or "f5.6"? i saw on the S5 IS it has a button to adjust it, but dont have a clue what it does
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Simple answer is its the aperture of the lens. Smaller number means bigger hole that it lets light in. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/87/Aperture_diagram.svg/350px-Aperture_diagram.svg.png


Bigger hole means more light in at a given shutter speed. It also causes differences in depth of field, causing that creamy bokeh in good shots. Lower aperture and higher focal length= more bokeh. This is where you see the differences between kit lens' and pro glass.

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believe it or not I haven't had good luck with Canons, at all. (digital camera wise)



A few years ago I was torn between the IS and the Sony DSC-H1. I got the H1 and haven't looked back since. I love this camera. I just took it to mammoth caves this weekend and took some good low light pix with no flash. The H1 has been replaced by the H2 and currently what you will find at the stores is the H10. I <3 this camera.


This year I picked up the Sony DSC-S750 too. I know its not nice by any means but it is nice to have a small 'crappy' camera I can take 4 wheeling and to the bar and not have to worry about breaking it.


check Sony out, if you don't believe me check out the reviews too as far as the H1 and IS go Sony is on par with canon.

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Rutan has this same camera and I was actually shocked at the quality of shots this thing took. It's very impressive for a point and shoot. Until we watched our vacation pics from 07 them on my DLP Tv I couldn't tell a difference in the resolution from my camera and his. I was a bit irritated at first that his point and shoot was taking pics of what I thought was the same quality as my Rebel XTi considering what I paid for it. Viewing them on his laptop I couldn't tell a difference.


Honestly I'd get a dslr. You can pick one up used for about the same price as one of those new and you'll be much happier in the long run.




+1 thanks Chad


I am looking at getting a DSLR eventually

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