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$680.00 Razr

Rally Pat

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I have the regular Razr. One of the worst phones I have ever used. Most of the buttons fell off, screens messed up, and the battery life is crap. Stay fare away from this pos…


Are you a gorilla with stone hands? I have had the same Razr for 3 years and EVERYTHING on it works perfectly. I carried it in my pocket 24/7. I dropped it dozens of times, left it on the trunk and took off, as well as other abuses, and it never let me down. I still have mine as a back-up if my Blackberry goes down.


Another friend dropped his in the hot tub twice and dropped it down concrete stairs. It worked until the day he got the iPhone.

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I, like most people, have a home computer and see no reason to have a phone other than to have a phone and not all this other bullshit they put on them and have to pay for.


Though it's not much money for some of these phone plans the little things like these add up quickly and I have a lot of better places to spend my money.


Cliffs: If the phone isn't free I won't buy it.

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Are you a gorilla with stone hands? I have had the same Razr for 3 years and EVERYTHING on it works perfectly. I carried it in my pocket 24/7. I dropped it dozens of times, left it on the trunk and took off, as well as other abuses, and it never let me down. I still have mine as a back-up if my Blackberry goes down.


Another friend dropped his in the hot tub twice and dropped it down concrete stairs. It worked until the day he got the iPhone.


I treated mine in the same manner as yours. I guess I just got a bad one?

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Are you a gorilla with stone hands? I have had the same Razr for 3 years and EVERYTHING on it works perfectly. I carried it in my pocket 24/7. I dropped it dozens of times, left it on the trunk and took off, as well as other abuses, and it never let me down. I still have mine as a back-up if my Blackberry goes down.


Another friend dropped his in the hot tub twice and dropped it down concrete stairs. It worked until the day he got the iPhone.


Brittney and I both bought 2 razr's on the same day. I had to return mine 3 times because of issues with the phone locking up, battery lasted 2 hours on full charge, or no signal. Brittney's phone had the same issues. She returned it and got a referb and that thing would not produce a signal EVER. NO SIGNAL is what it would say all day. We returned that and the phone they gave us wouldn't even power on. I even used the battery from my phone and it wouldn't work.


After her last return we went and bought samsung phones. No problems since then... knock on wood.

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I'm on my 2nd razr(v1 shitty edition!) or whatever it' called due to warranty (only $50 for this one, woohoo thanks Moto/Verizon! :() The first one "broke" due to my friend accidentally submerging it in jelly and it tweaked the hell out of the battery. The battery life is fine for me, it usually lasts about a week or so, but the interface sucks it's very laggy and slow. Meh.
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