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Fuck this guy.


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This is really the first shit movie he has done.

Sixth Sense = Teh Awesome

Signs = cheap ending, the "advanced" aliens should have known our earth was made up of mostly water and should not have come.

Unbreakable = it was okay.

The Village = Pretty Good

Lady In The Water = hevent seen it. (he didnt write it)




it just seems like he takes the easy way out. He shows sign of skill, but fails to close.

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"The Sixth Sense" was extremely good. The best plot twist since, "Luke....I AM your father...."

"Unbreakable" rocked. Probably the best hero movie ever made.

"Signs" was another good one. I liked the way he kept the movie tightly focused on his characters, and didn't go off into an "Independence Day" FX extravaganza. Plus, the alien in the corn pretty freaked out half the theater.

"The Village" was....eh. Good performances and well shot, but for some reason it just didn't work.

"The Lady in the Water" just dragged.

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