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Be on the look out

6 Speed S4

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My apartment was robbed tonight between 9pm and 11pm. My roomate left at 9 and recalls a group of 4 black males around my complex (Sawmill Village). We are missing an xbox 360 with no controller, an RCA 1000 watt receiver (they left the remote and speakers), HP DV1000 laptop with charger, and I am missing 600 dollars cash. If anyone sees these items for sale locally please let me know asap. Thanks
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Most pawn shops in ohio are equiped with video, most people that pawn stuff off have to have an ohio Id , alot of the times the guys are too strung out to even care if they pawn off stolen goods, I am sorry that this happen it sucks to have things like your home violated, I take it you already contacted the police?
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My apartment was robbed tonight between 9pm and 11pm. My roomate left at 9 and recalls a group of 4 black males around my complex (Sawmill Village). We are missing an xbox 360 with no controller, an RCA 1000 watt receiver (they left the remote and speakers), HP DV1000 laptop with charger, and I am missing 600 dollars cash. If anyone sees these items for sale locally please let me know asap. Thanks


so, you had $600 cash laying out where it was easy to find?


it sucks that you got robbed but I tend to never leave cash out, in fact it is one of my requirements for a bank. they are to never leave my cash just laying out.


did they kick in the door? what does your renters insurance say?

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so, you had $600 cash laying out where it was easy to find?


it sucks that you got robbed but I tend to never leave cash out, in fact it is one of my requirements for a bank. they are to never leave my cash just laying out.


did they kick in the door? what does your renters insurance say?



They got in through the sliding door on my 2nd floor balcony, looks like they crowbarred it open

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Sucks man! I used to live in lakeview square and there were break ins there. I remember coming home one night and police were everywhere. The apartment owner blasted one of the thieves when he came home.


I hope you find them but it likely won't happen. All you can do is do your best to prevent this from happening in the future. put a bar in the track of the sliding door... Als you can get some smaller wooden dowels and put them above the windows in your apartment. Same 'locking' mechanism as the dowel rod in the rail for the sliding door but you may have to use some velcro to hold them up.

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I'm on my parents homeowners insurance and its like a 1000 dollar deductable so we aren't going to pay that.


I have a clue of who broke in, there was a group of 4 black males walking around the parking lot that night at 9pm as my roommate left to goto campus. I was at comfest, came back around 11pm and found the sliding glass door cracked and noticed the laptop gone. I just got a safe and its drilled into the floor now, also buying camera system so I can catch anyone else on tape.

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Why would you have $600 cash laying around in the 1st place? Go to the ATM and deposit that shit.


1000 deductable for homeowners insurance = ouch. Statefarm when they renewed mine this year showed the break-down of the cost savings of $500 vs. $1000. I would have to not make a claim in 11 YEARS to just break even....seemed like a no brainer to me.

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