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New water toy

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Drove to Cleveland today to pick up my new / used Perception Carolina 14.5' kayak. Got this for a really good deal along with about $700 worth of equipment from a pretty cool cop on craigslist. Funny thing was, when I got home, I had a reply in my email from the person whom I emailed 3 times last week. Guess they missed out. First addition will be an added rudder for steering.


Better pics will come after I get it cleaned up.



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Sweet!!! How does it handle underwater... I didn't even know that the Maxima's could be converted to water vehicles. What’s that thing on top? Is that to keep it stable under water?












































Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

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I want a sculling boat... but i need to drop about 30 more lbs :(



That's exactly why I wanted to get this. They're a pretty decent workout and after using really nice ones in Maine, I finally had to get one I knew I'd be happy with long term.


Just spent a couple hours cleaning it all up. This thing sat outside under a tree so there were tons of spiderwebs and crap inside the hull.



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