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Crazy night Gun pulled and more... CREW

Guest EM1 2ENVY

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Let see a cop less than a 100 feet away..and you still run towards him. Could of just had the other friend go after the cop while this kid gets in his car. Cop would of gone after him either way.


Couldnt have said it better. Maybe its just me being a bit more passive than you and then again hindsight is always 20/20. I see a cop and the first thing I think of is, "id rather this kid do 3 years in jail for pulling a gun then put a round in me"


And yes Baton's are very legal.

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Guest EM1 2ENVY
Couldnt have said it better. Maybe its just me being a bit more passive than you and then again hindsight is always 20/20. I see a cop and the first thing I think of is, "id rather this kid do 3 years in jail for pulling a gun then put a round in me"


And yes Baton's are very legal.



i didnt see the cop his bro did, and when he did he ran to him, this went from me defending my friend to me having to defend and justify what i did.

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i didnt see the cop his bro did, and when he did he ran to him, this went from me defending my friend to me having to defend and justify what i did.


You HAD to have known you were gonna get flamed for this just a bit by posting it right?

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This thread is blind to the eyes that werent there, steve i heard calls from kyle and tay, that were there and they made it seem that you handled it pretty well with walking away free with that insanse gunman in the back of the piglets car. Either way glad everyone ended up safe.
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Guest EM1 2ENVY
This thread is blind to the eyes that werent there, steve i heard calls from kyle and tay, that were there and they made it seem that you handled it pretty well with walking away free with that insanse gunman in the back of the piglets car. Either way glad everyone ended up safe.
thanks g /thred
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I am sure you feel like a bad ass but you are nothing more than a dumb 20 year old, with more shit than brains. I know you don't want to tell the whole story, but it doesn't matter, you did a very stupied thing and then came here to brag about it like you are a god or something. Grow the fuck up!


If you didn't go out there like a "gang" why did you even go with your buddy and 2 other people? Just be cause "his brother went with his new wife" doesn't mean shit. You knew it was a bad situation and that is why you all had to go. To back you buddy up if things got bad. Why would you even do something like that and put your life on the line for something you know nothing about? Doing shit like that will catch up with you and you more than likely will not like the end come. Think about your actions before you react.

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Is this why you called me at 6:45am this morning? Im glad no one was hurt. Steve why didnt you pull a D-Rame and clock his ass? :D


Yeah you called me too, I was on my way to work. Monte punches like a girl so he couldn't D-Rame a mofo...


You should have called me to roll up there, I would have wipped that bitch with the gun, and probably even you and your boys. They I would of busted that cops head just for mean muggin me.

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Sounds like a bunch of stupid kids trying to "protect" their buddy. If your friend wanted to confront this guy why couldn't he do it by himself. The rest of you guys were "just there in case". Maybe next time you stay home and keep yourself out of trouble. Learn your lesson from this. Next time the idiot with the gun might not be so hesitant to pull the trigger. Is something you claim to know nothing about worth your life? I understand backing up friends, but not when you know nothing about what is going on and then proceed to act like a tool. If I was just getting off of work and someone decided to pay me a visit I think I would be a little defensive as well. Not sure why you need a weapon to go to work, but apparently this guy has pissed off a few people. Moral of the story, you go into a stupid situation expect something stupid to happen. Try not to get shot either.
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Wow, this thread is full of stupid. From everyone involved.


First, the problem was between your friend and that dude. Why is it that all the pussies have to come with a gang of friends to confront someone? I had that shit happen to me in high school, and when I'd confront any of them alone in public they'd bitch out. What was you're real reasoning for being there? I'd take a guess that you're story of "only being there for backup" is pure bull shit once the gun came into play. You were there to help jump the guy the second something would have went down. That's the way it always works, and that was your intentions. He called your bluff though with a gun. It was fucking dumber than shit for you to entice him though once he pulled it.


Your buddy didn't go there to just talk. And that guy didnt whack your buddy with the club because "he only wanted to talk". Some shit that isn't being passed onto us went down.


You're lucky he didn't shoot. 3 against 1 isn't fair game, and it sounds like he was being threatened by that fact that your buddy (and you guys) confronted him. Had he had enough sense when he pulled that gun you would have been another statistic of dumb ass kids who have to play billy bad ass with their friends.


Grow the fuck up and quit being a hard ass with your friends and shit like this can be avoided.

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if it was me in that situation i would have shot you, you are very lucky for being as stupid as you were, you threatened the guy and if he was CCW'ing he had every right to shoot you.

1. you guys ganged up on him

2. sounds like you corned him by confronting him and he couldnt get away

3. he tried a non lethal way to take out your punk friend, and when all you other guys jumped in he had no choice

4. he warned you to get back or he would shoot but failed to pull the trigger.


it should have been you guys in the back of a police car or in the back of the corinors van.

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Details do not add up. I see your buddy going up there being the instigator and mouthing off to the kid. I dont see this as a. Hey whats up? can i ask you some questions? WACKK!!!


You all went up there to protect ur dude and back him up in the fight. Just turned out the kid had a gun and a batton.




Not a hero. More likely, idiots. And idiots acting together, for idiot reasons.

I hate people that blindly back up their buddies, even when they're in the wrong (potentially). And i'm glad many of you seem to agree


You don't even know why you were there or what was going on? Douche.


If my buddy pulls some dumb shit and deserves to have his ass beat - he deserves to have his ass beat.

I'm not going to jump in and look for a fight.


The shooter should have pegged you in the leg for being a fuck-head.

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I'm sorry, but the whole thing is pretty stupid. You don't even know all the details surrounding the situation (or so you say), and you entice someone to shoot you. Sorry, but I'm not getting shot for a situation that I know nothing about.


He's a lot younger than you too. What would you have done when you were 20 and didn't have kids (and maybe not a wife at the time?)?


I'm not saying he wasn't stupid, but you look at things a lot different when you are younger.

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