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Cell phone crew: Verizon Glyde, Dare. iPhone 3g? Opinions plz.


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My trusty EnV Is starting to become not so trusty, so It's time for an upgrade. I text a lot. I send picture messages a lot. I don't talk on the phone all that much, but call quality is important as well.


These are the phones I'm considering:


-Samsung Glyde . This seems like a really nice phone. Touch screen, slide out qwerty keyboard, small size. Good stuff. Anyone have this phone? Likes? Dislikes? How's signal reception?


-LG Dare . This seems like a truly pimp phone. Full touch screen, almost the same size as the Glyde, 3.2MP camera, built in image editing capabilities. The only thing that worries me is the on-screen keyboard. As much as I text I'm afraid this could be a problem. Also this phone is so new it's not in stores yet, so I can't try before I buy. Has anyone here used one of these? Likes? Dislikes?


-The last phone I'm considering is the 3G iPhone. Pretty much it's what the 1st iPhone SHOULD have been. BUT, does the 3G iPhone support A2DP? (Stereo bluetooth), and MMS(picture messaging.) Also this is a full touch screen phone with no real keyboard. Who else texts a lot? How is this phone to type on?

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Considering a iPhone isn't on the right frequancy (GSM gets all the best phones. Fuck you CDMA) to operate on Verizon, I think you can throw it out.


The thing is, any verizon phone that isn't a smartphone you cannot modify the software at all. I have a motorola Q running windows mobile and being able to add applications is AWESOME. You won't get that with any phone you listed (besides the iPhone sort of)


If you really want a nice phone with a touchscreen, wait for the HTC Touch Diamond to come out.

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People say there isn't picture messaging on the Iphone, but there is.. you just have to email it to the respective phone number like you would any other cell phone..


Iphone 3g is going to be leaps and bounds better than the first. I was quick to bag on the first Iphone until I actually went into the apple store at Easton and played with one for a good amount of time. Honestly, I don't think I could use any analog phone after this.. call me spoiled? Just give it a try, you get accustomed to the on-screen keyboard really quick. Everyone watches me in amazement at how fast I can write emails and text with the thing, even after the first couple days I got it.

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Oh, LG phones are great but and I suspect the LG Dare will be a flop just like the Voyager, which was actually supposed to be the original Iphones competition.. and I wouldn't buy a samsung phone, period.
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The voyager was no where near a flop. The phone stayed out of stock due to a very high demand for a long time and is still bringing in revenue.


I just got done playing around with the Dare about an hour ago. I think its a pretty cool phone. The on screen display is big and sensative enough that it works fine without any hassle.


The glydes touch screen is too small and will probably give you fits. All the women I know that have it love it... guys not so much.

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The voyager was no where near a flop. The phone stayed out of stock due to a very high demand for a long time and is still bringing in revenue.


I can agree with this statement.. however I feel the general consensus that i've heard from all my friends with the Voyager is that it definately isn't what they had hoped for.

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Considering a iPhone isn't on the right frequancy (GSM gets all the best phones. Fuck you CDMA) to operate on Verizon, I think you can throw it out.


The thing is, any verizon phone that isn't a smartphone you cannot modify the software at all. I have a motorola Q running windows mobile and being able to add applications is AWESOME. You won't get that with any phone you listed (besides the iPhone sort of)


If you really want a nice phone with a touchscreen, wait for the HTC Touch Diamond to come out.


I had a Q for over a year. I hated that fucking phone every day I had it. Dont get me wrong it was cool to whip out and text and mess around with but it was by far from dependable and by time I got rid of it I was on my 4th one. But this is the experience ive had with all Motorola phone's, its definitly hit and miss.

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I had a Q for over a year. I hated that fucking phone every day I had it. Dont get me wrong it was cool to whip out and text and mess around with but it was by far from dependable and by time I got rid of it I was on my 4th one. But this is the experience ive had with all Motorola phone's, its definitly hit and miss.


I won't argue with you from what I've read I've been very lucky with my Q (I haven't had to restore it in over 6 months!). There is another Q revision coming soon that is supposed to be damn good.

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I can agree with this statement.. however I feel the general consensus that i've heard from all my friends with the Voyager is that it definately isn't what they had hoped for.


It's because of the rumors about it being better than the i-phone. It is a great phone, but my pda and the i-phone run circles around it.

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I know the iPhone is AT&T. That doesn't throw it out tho. I also don't care for a smart phone. I want a phone. Not a pocket PC. I watch tv on my phone, I use the vzw navigator. Dpn't care for them. Also the Mogul is a sprint... NO sprint. I enjoy having service.


Env2 is too limited.


What happens when you recieve a mms on an iPhone? And what about sending video?

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I know the iPhone is AT&T. That doesn't throw it out tho. I also don't care for a smart phone. I want a phone. Not a pocket PC. I watch tv on my phone, I use the vzw navigator. Dpn't care for them. Also the Mogul is a sprint... NO sprint. I enjoy having service.


Env2 is too limited.


What happens when you recieve a mms on an iPhone? And what about sending video?


Think about it this way.. If you buy yourself an iPhone, youre buying a smartphone and an iPod together, which for the price, is pretty reasonable IMO. Unfortunately the only thing iPhone 1 didnt have is video recording capabilities. If someone is sending you MMS messages you get a text simply saying visit such website to retrieve your message. But if you direct people to send MMS to your email, which any phone can do easily, you can simply pick it up instantly via your email icon on the iPhone.


Honestly, look into an iPhone. I hated the idea of switching to at&t from t-mobile but now that I have been a user for a year or so now I am very happy. I've heard people tell horrible stories about at&t and I havent had one problem. Their service is great so far, havent had a dead spot yet! Customer service isnt bad either and the online billing is simple. I havent had any suprise charges, ever.


Oh, and I just responded back to his thread via iPhone in under 2 minutes in the car around Xenia, OH where there's hardly anything and I still has 5 bars lol :)

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My trusty EnV Is starting to become not so trusty, so It's time for an upgrade. I text a lot. I send picture messages a lot. I don't talk on the phone all that much, but call quality is important as well.


These are the phones I'm considering:


-Samsung Glyde . This seems like a really nice phone. Touch screen, slide out qwerty keyboard, small size. Good stuff. Anyone have this phone? Likes? Dislikes? How's signal reception?


-LG Dare . This seems like a truly pimp phone. Full touch screen, almost the same size as the Glyde, 3.2MP camera, built in image editing capabilities. The only thing that worries me is the on-screen keyboard. As much as I text I'm afraid this could be a problem. Also this phone is so new it's not in stores yet, so I can't try before I buy. Has anyone here used one of these? Likes? Dislikes?


-The last phone I'm considering is the 3G iPhone. Pretty much it's what the 1st iPhone SHOULD have been. BUT, does the 3G iPhone support A2DP? (Stereo bluetooth), and MMS(picture messaging.) Also this is a full touch screen phone with no real keyboard. Who else texts a lot? How is this phone to type on?


Get the Dare I have one and the texting is easy. The camera is bad ass as well the entire phone is just pimp.


The env2 is gayer then aids. I think it looks like shit IMO.

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I think all of these phones do different things well. The Glyde seems to be a little lower grade phone than the Dare of the iPhone....IMO>


If TV is important to you, what about the Instinct. I have heard that this is where it's at. But you could probably get all of the same via youtube via iPhone, or possibly third party apps on the iPhone.


The Dare has a really neat interface and from my perspective is the closest thing to an iPhone that's not an iPhone.......but I think that all changes when 3rd party apps come about.


Name the top three things you do on your phone and then it may help people give a little bit better perspective.

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i have a glyde...it is ok...good for texting/talking. the touch screen sucks imo. all of the icons based on the edge of the phone rarely work, which is just a pita. overall the service with the phone is beyond perfect. if i waited a month i would of bought a dare without looking back.



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Dare wins!


I just got off a live chat with an AT&T sales person about the 3G iPhone. Over $100 a month for service. Lesser service than I have through Verizon now. Cheapest talk plan: 450 min/$40. REQUIRED data plan: $30. Unlimited text plan: $20. $90 before AT&T adds all their BS fees and sales taxes.


Brian, call me. :D

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Bought a Voyager a week ago (did not know about the Dare coming out). I really like the features on the Voyager - I really like it and would not have considered any other brand than LG. I have had both Motorolas (3 or 4) and Samsung - 1 - both were junk compared to my LGs.
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