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So my wife is cheating on me...


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haha I have plenty, but it will be a while before everything is finally. Then maybe we could have a showing. haha


I'm not really that much of a dick. Sorry.


She cheats on you and you STILL won't show us noodz


No wonder she cheated

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kill her the court battle will cost about the same and with a good enough lawyer you keep the kids and never go to jail.....



hahah WTF , but I can only imagine how you feel with all the shit that happen and on top of everything you have a kid with her, I hope everythign works and and you guys can aleast both agree on somthing for the child sake even if you have to put up with her. If you do have issues and things of her being an unfit parent, Id see legal help to see what you could do to better your chances on getting full custody of your kid.

When you get legal help on trying to get the guy in the military in trouble they will contact the CID they prolly see cheating cases over 5000 times a month. I was in the military and seen this shit first hand more and more, once he knows to get legal help the military will issue him legal advise free of charge to him , to take him to court and trying to get him NJP is going to cost a fortune because anything on his side will be free, You have more important things to worry about then trying to mess with him right now, you should be dropping the $$$ on legal advise on getting a divorse and getting your child. Unless you have 100% proof like videos, or hired under cover to follow you wife ect. Like the one guy said karma is a bitch and it will catch up to both of them, I would not spend money trying to get revenge when it would cost so much and prolly not do anything. My friend was busted by the CID having sex with an officer wife and only got 6 months pay and a minor infraction and that was with an officer. Times like now with the military needing a body to fill in , they are not just going to get them thrown out.

I told my dad abou this the other night about a military guy out sleeping with someones wife and he said " whats new" because it happens prolly even more in the military .

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seriously go put two in her head and turn yourself in you'll thank me later use temporary insanity as your defense


damn thats twice now I hope your wife never cheats on you. You are one scary mother fucker lol.


On a serious note, sorry to hear about your situation. I hope it all works out without a ton of money being spent to get your kid. Bitches will be bitches and they always seem to win in situations like these.

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I don't understand why men sit there and say that women are bitches all the time. All you guys do is complain about women, men just more than women do. I think it is awesome how many of you guys are saying how horrible it is to cheat.


And about the divorce thing, get over trying to screw her over, it will just make things worse for your kid, try to be civil and maybe your kid will have a good life growing up with both parents in his life instead of just one. I'm not saying to go for joint custody, obviously you know what type of mother and father you both are and I'm sure you can make the right decision as to which type of custody is right for your child. If you do get full custody you better be the best father in the world, I have a friend that has a 4 year old and he has full custody, he sacrifices a lot for his boy, but the kid is awesome. Good luck.


Oh and to all you guys that never want to get married, have fun being alone and loney when your balls are all wrinkled and droopy. :p Having relationships is the best part of life, I think. To get to know someone so well and to getalong with a person and have a good time with them, it is like having another person who is a little part of yourself. It is amazing, I'm sad for you people that you can't see that, or don't want that. I think later in life you will realize it.

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I don't understand why men sit there and say that women are bitches all the time. All you guys do is complain about women, men just more than women do. I think it is awesome how many of you guys are saying how horrible it is to cheat.



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I don't understand why men sit there and say that women are bitches all the time. All you guys do is complain about women, men just more than women do. I think it is awesome how many of you guys are saying how horrible it is to cheat.


Men type-cast women like this because men seem to be more rational and look at things more logically then 'most' women do. This is just an opinion but it is fact that women are driven more by emotions then men.


And about the divorce thing, get over trying to screw her over, it will just make things worse for your kid, try to be civil and maybe your kid will have a good life growing up with both parents in his life instead of just one. I'm not saying to go for joint custody, obviously you know what type of mother and father you both are and I'm sure you can make the right decision as to which type of custody is right for your child. If you do get full custody you better be the best father in the world, I have a friend that has a 4 year old and he has full custody, he sacrifices a lot for his boy, but the kid is awesome. Good luck.



Yeah so one of them are just suppose to sit back and say,"you know what, your such a better parent than I am, why dont YOU just keep full custody and I'll have visitation rights" that sounds like a perfectly viable solution right? Too bad divorce is just as much about pride and emotion's as it is the best living situation for the child involved. Welcome to the real world.


Oh and to all you guys that never want to get married, have fun being alone and loney when your balls are all wrinkled and droopy. :p Having relationships is the best part of life, I think. To get to know someone so well and to getalong with a person and have a good time with them, it is like having another person who is a little part of yourself. It is amazing, I'm sad for you people that you can't see that, or don't want that. I think later in life you will realize it.


And to answer this little quip, I have no problem being alone and absolutely no problem finding a compatable mate at any point in time (even for just one night ;) ). It is my choice to be single and I could not be happier. I see your point in having a person in which you share alot with but i will NEVER be with someone just because I want that or want someone around. I am perfectly happy on my own. If you think being in a relationship is the best part of life then maybe you should search harder. Not trying to insult you just saying there are better things than simply having a compatible mate thats all.

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I agree that this is a sad situation that happens way too often, but this guy wont be kicked out of the military. So please stop using it as a crutch in your defense. A company grade article 15 is probably the most he will get. loss of pay, maybe a stripe, and could affect his security clearance if he has one. big deal, he gets re-classed into another job. When 150,000+ troops are in Iraq alone, leaving single parents stateside(male and female) this shit goes on. Find a way to keep your life, instead of fucking up his.
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Find a way to keep your life, instead of fucking up his.


I agree with most of what you said, except that. The guy fucked his wife. Wanting to fuck up his life a little is an understandable response. Even if it doesn't improve your situation per se.

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Find a way to keep your life, instead of fucking up his.


I didnt want to say it but Brian's onto something. What happened happened leave it be, besides your better than that. If she wants to be with him then he can be happy knowing he's with a woman who has proven to be unfaithful. Give up on her and him and focus on your child.

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I agree with most of what you said, except that. The guy fucked his wife. Wanting to fuck up his life a little is an understandable response. Even if it doesn't improve your situation per se.


Yeah but when does it stop? He gets disciplined in the military then what? Verse is suppose to take joy in that? wow big deal it doesnt change what happened. the divorce is still on and shes still a cheating whore. yes vengence is somewhat understandable but dont let it hold you and your life back. dont spend energy on retribution when the same energy can be spent on you and your son.


Now Im not saying that if you ever see this guy in a bar or alley that you cant have a few words or more, just saying dont waste your time.

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^ I still agree, I was just stating the response was understandable. Im not sure how I would act since my wife hasn't fucked anyone else that Im aware of. Accept for that football team, and that other football team.
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I agree with most of what you said, except that. The guy fucked his wife. Wanting to fuck up his life a little is an understandable response. Even if it doesn't improve your situation per se.


understandable. way too many people are out for revenge these days, and have the punisher if you will, attitude. Thank god i grew up with both parents so i dont know what its like being torn between them. I know for sure thought that if this was me I'd be doing whatever I can to keep my kids as close as possible to me.

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And to answer this little quip, I have no problem being alone and absolutely no problem finding a compatable mate at any point in time (even for just one night ;) ). It is my choice to be single and I could not be happier. I see your point in having a person in which you share alot with but i will NEVER be with someone just because I want that or want someone around. I am perfectly happy on my own. If you think being in a relationship is the best part of life then maybe you should search harder. Not trying to insult you just saying there are better things than simply having a compatible mate thats all.



If you think you are going to find a "compatible mate" when you are older for just one night, have fun with that. Especially when you end up with herpes or AIDS.


When I said I think the best part of life is having relationships that is my opinion and I stated that. I wouldn't expect a person who wants to have meaningless one night stands for the rest of his life a person who would understand this. What comes with having a meaningful relationship is life, kids, vacations, even the hard times, which I can say sucks, considering I'm hitting it right now, but when I'm sure that when I look back on it I will feel differently about it. All I can say is that it is nice to have someone to come home to and talk to, a person who understands me to the fullest, and a person who cares about me. Have fun with those girls that want one night stands, maybe you will change your mind later.

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Marriage scares the hell out of me. Especially when 40-50% of people will get divorced. That's crazy. Prenup for me.


No marriage for me sounds even better. If she cant accept that I dont want to get married, then she cant accept MEEEEE :D

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If you think you are going to find a "compatible mate" when you are older for just one night, have fun with that. Especially when you end up with herpes or AIDS.


When I said I think the best part of life is having relationships that is my opinion and I stated that. I wouldn't expect a person who wants to have meaningless one night stands for the rest of his life a person who would understand this. What comes with having a meaningful relationship is life, kids, vacations, even the hard times, which I can say sucks, considering I'm hitting it right now, but when I'm sure that when I look back on it I will feel differently about it. All I can say is that it is nice to have someone to come home to and talk to, a person who understands me to the fullest, and a person who cares about me. Have fun with those girls that want one night stands, maybe you will change your mind later.


To each their own. Maybe he'll change, maybe he won't. It really shouldn't effect you either way, I may be reading, and interpreting your reply incorrectly, but I detected a small amount of elitism. That's fine as most people tend to believe that the way they live, is the "right" way. Or I suppose if you simply deduce it to mathematics the more partners you have, obviously the higher your chance of contracting an STD. Which if that's purely your point ignore everything else I said.


Regardless of my own opinion on interpersonal dynamics and their effects on the well-being of archetypal, generic, subjects , having a trusted friend, and partner, betray you sucks. Adding children to the mix complicates the matter further. Which begs to question the current state of family mechanics and whether or not the standard model is correct, or if some other seemingly "crazy" culture has a more efficasious approach.


I shouldn't open this can of worms. Ignore all of ^ ... TITS ARE GOOD.

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I do agree with most everything said , I would not spend a dime to try to get back at him, id spend it on yourself and kid . Get all the legal stuff situated with her first, then go on with your life, just like hotcarl said if you ever seen him face to face then that would be understandable maybe find out what bar he is at or party then go in with a ninja suit and smash his teeth in his mouth, then dissapear....... If you press on trying to get him in trouble its not really going to affect him much, kentstate is also in the army so he knows what we are talking about, this shit goes on like no other.......But look on the bright side of things aleast you know about it and everything is out there now, aleast you can look at it , and heal from this . Karma is really a bitch and will get the best of them one day, maybe not right now, but it will and all you will prolly have to do is sit back and watch. By that time you will be all over this, have a much hotter girlfriend with bigger tits. She will prolly get all emo when this guy fucks her over and she will be calling you wishing she never even made the mistake, with the whole sob story and all you have to do hang up the phone crack open a cold one and make fun of her with your friends.
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BTW how did you end up finding out that she cheated on you? did she tell you? Was this a one time thing? Or did this take place many times with her sneaking around? I know this does not make up for what she did but, young people always make stupid shitty mistakes , we all have not just saying the with age you are more likley to cheat, becaues older people do it too. look at honda lol but I would look at the situation alot different if it was only one time thing, I mean she still is a dirty whore just not as bad. If this went on for months or weeks with everything thought out, it would be a whole new ball game, emails, texting, cell calls, would be the first thing I would check into, but im sure you prolly already know way more then us.
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