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xbox 360 back from the dead... AGAIN


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  • 3 months later...

Just an update. My motherboard is still exposed sitting on my stand. I dust under it and make it clean and the fucker still works. Almost all the time it boots up there is a RRoD but it still plays fine. So I don't care anymore. It can blink red all it wants it still works.



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all the horror stories of the 360's. A friend of mine is the only one Ive heard of that hasnt had problems besides scratching a few games from it falling over. With that kind of ratio is why im going with a ps3


I've never had a single problem with mine, including me knocking it with my foot, hearing the disc knock around, and STILL not having a single scratch. Ejected it just in time.

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I guess you were all lucky. I bought a used 360 so I have no idea what happened before I bought it.


Same. The one I bought off of eBay last year was kind of beat up and had some blemished on it and stuff, and you had to smack the top of the box to get the DVD-ROM drive to come out. But thanks to my RRoD, Microshaft gave me a like-new refurbished one. Thanks Bill!


I was getting tired of the towel trick, although it never didn't work for me.

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The towel trick is lame anyway. Good thing you got a new one.


Pro tip! Use a dremel and cut out an 1" X 1" square above where the heat sink is. Buy a cheap $10 clip on desk fan and aim it in the square. It won't overheat ever again.

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