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check your tires, you may be at risk! (EVERYONE THAT DRIVES/RIDES SHOULD WATCH THIS!)

Steve R.

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Yes everyone buy tires or you will die, die you hear me, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



please if anyone has questions about this stuff for real.. call/ pm me

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when did this become new news? most people drive to many miles or are just to hard on tires to worry about this. i did have a set of 20 year old polyglass tires split apart one time.....lmao but they sat on a car in a barn for 10 years of it.
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Yes everyone buy tires or you will die, die you hear me, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



please if anyone has questions about this stuff for real.. call/ pm me


I was already a victim of this. Losing tread between a semi and a median ftl!!!I never thought to sue though.....


You are about to get some crazy business!!!! My wifes tires are 5 years old. I'll be buying new ones in a few months or so.

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One time i had a friend who had an RX-7 with old tires. He went to get new tires, and they told him that the tires currently on his car were discontinued FOURTEEN YEARS AGO! and he was driving on them! shits craazaayy!
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my tires never last long enough to age lol thats why i dont buy good tires, too much money for how i treat them...maybe when im a baller



That was not the point of that story at all,The point was that tire retailers are selling tires that are older than they are road worthy.The tires that are on my honda are older than my car and i bought it brand new.They found tires at some shops upwards of 10 years old being sold as new. In my book thats a little fucked up

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That was not the point of that story at all,The point was that tire retailers are selling tires that are older than they are road worthy.The tires that are on my honda are older than my car and i bought it brand new.They found tires at some shops upwards of 10 years old being sold as new. In my book thats a little fucked up

As per the manufacturers I talked to, there is no "expiration date" on tires. I didn't watch the video, and I don't care to. This is just what I was told by more than a couple places.

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